About - xshapes/Blockchain-Exchange-for-Social-Good GitHub Wiki

B.E. Social Good

Our overarching goals: Empower global citizens by providing online spaces where we can collaborate in decentralized networks sharing evidence-based social and environmental solutions. The following Design Statement will help you get up to speed and hopefully prompt interested, humanitarians to join us in our work.

Design Statement


Locally, nationally and globally, we have successful social service programs and environmental solutions models that demonstrably work well and could work well in other locations, e.g. Sweden’s recycling solutions or South Korea’s successful pandemic management models. Yet there does not appear to be a viable way for concerned citizens, independent organizations, and legislators to replicate evidence-based, successful solutions, implementing them in their own communities.

The problem can therefore be defined as: How can we share successful, evidence-based global solutions on an online portal that is not constrained by dysfunctional government process, outdated protocol, and/or other potential conflicts of interest?


Blockchain Exchange for Social Good is designed to facilitate the sharing of global resources in a decentralized environment, thereby protecting participant identity, resources and intellectual property. Essentially, we aim to make it easier for any global citizen to participate, collaborate and become compensated for their contributions.

We believe that most government agencies aren’t meeting the needs and goals of the global citizens’ community which is causing adverse effects, harming the people, damaging the environment and rapidly destroying the most vital species of plants, animals, birds, fish and insects on Earth. Moreover, since the pandemic, it’s clear that government negligence is causing unnecessary mortality rates to skyrocket. Beyond the aristocratic arrogance lies answers that could save lives. We believe that it’s time to do our best to help those who can’t help themselves.

We believe that we can improve the way global solutions can be shared, based on the following criteria: volume of participants, volume of successful solutions implementation, volume of portal traffic, volume of solutions contributed, growth of global partnerships, subscription growth, and volume of lives impacted in positive ways. Lastly, our innovation initiatives can be measured according to their social impact and financial impact, as well as measuring the value derived by the startup teams themselves.

What needs are we meeting?

This is a product that, if designed correctly, i.e. based on and informed by Human Factors principles, can ideally meet the needs of millions of people who will otherwise suffer oppressive outcomes, including death, that could be avoided. This may seem like hyperbole, but a deeper investigation into the varied, global pandemic responses will quickly illustrate that life-saving measures around the world, have been overlooked, with catastrophic results that can be directly tied back to the “aristocratic arrogance” dominating far too many nations in their pandemic responses. And while this proposal is not a silver bullet that will save all people from harm, it is a product and service that is sorely needed when considering the sharing of critical knowledge that can alter the lives of millions of participating global citizens.

However, no matter how valuable a Global Solutions (GS) Blockchain Exchange may be, it must be underscored that the laws of authoritarian and democratic nations alike, are another paramount concern and caveat, preventing even the most efficacious solutions from being implemented. An example that strikes close to home: In the estimates of the Trump Administration's coronavirus task force coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, we could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if we had been early adopters of pandemic solutions that were effectively saving lives, not to mention saving livelihoods and preventing the devastating effects to the US economy.

“Dr. Deborah Birx, the coronavirus task force coordinator until former President Donald Trump, revealed in an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta that the number of coronavirus deaths could have been "decreased substantially" if cities and states across the country had aggressively applied the lessons of the first surge toward mitigation last spring, potentially preventing the surges that followed.

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx said. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."

Moving forward will take a cross disciplinary effort by teams ready to discuss, discover and design networks that can make a difference. Ultimately, we’ll offer solutions in a modular fashion, allowing participating organizations and individuals to customize their approach to better suit their local or national strategies.