Using GeckoView for streaming ingest to Unity - xrchisense/xrevent-broadcaster-unity GitHub Wiki






To display the live video stream XRevent Broadcaster uses the GeckoView browser API. Ian Philips created an early example of an Unity implementation publised at [1], we used. From a technical view the GeckoView browser uses internally googles ExoPlayer2 API, which is the media player also used by AVpro a professional streaming solution for Unity.
Currently it seems Mozilla jumped onto a another, from scratch, browser engine development called Servo browser engine, which is a 64-bit only development. In future the XRevent Broadcaster may follow that route.

Alternative Solutions

GStreamer Bind
Unity WebRTC ([email protected]/manual/requirements.html)
Android/ Unity WebView

Oculus, Oculus2 Technology Stack

Diagram of the technology stack for the GeckoDemo

The diagram above roughly shows the technology stack available on Oculus 2 devices.

JVM Layer

ExoPlayer2 API
ExoPlayer API
Android Media Player API

C/C++ Layer

FFmpeg Bind

GeckoView Architecture

GeckoView Architecture

Getting the image from GeckoView to Unity

android.view.Surface > FBO > OES

Image of the Texture Pipeline

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️