SFU Overview - xrchisense/xrevent-broadcaster-unity GitHub Wiki

Name used by Description License Issues Opportunities Evaluated
Kurento BigBlueButton, OpenVidu WebRTC Media Server running on JVM (spring-boot), well documented with lots of examples, maybe use openvidu for even more high level implementations
Jitsi Video Bridge Jitsi, CCC Used by jitsi-meet to route video streams amongst participants in a conference (SFU).
jitsi-meet Jitsi jitsi-meet is the full (default) jitsi web/mobile client. Build upon React and React Native. The repo is huge and to modify it you not only need a lot of dependencies but also linux. Additionaly the documentation is abysmal. The only well written tutorial is community-made but only covers developing with a self hosted Server. Yes
lib-jitsi-meet: Jitsi lib-jitsi-meet is a "low-level" api to use jitsi in a self made projects, similar to mediasoup. Documentation is ONE page plus ONE example With such a weak documentation could not figure out how to make a Device-Selector, how to control resolution or codecs or how to properly disconnect.
Janus formally used by Mozilla
ION-SFU LiveKit, Ion Seems like a good middle ground beteween MediaSoup and Galene. written in GO Yes
MediaSoup BigBlueButton >= v2.5, Mozilla Hubs, OpenVidu Low-Level Video WebRTC API Very Low-Level API, NPM Import of the package only possible on Linux/Mac!, rather for projects starting from scratch everything seems possible yes
Galène Universities Very easy to deploy Video Chat application disconnects during calls, in the test instance no possibilities to change anything, written in GO Yes


Jitsi can be customized in two ways:

1. Customizing jitsi-meet:

2. Using lib-jitsi-meet:

TODO: Figure out if/how to make a Device-Selector, how to control resolution or codecs or how to properly disconnect.

Further Information

Jitsi Meet (https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/dev-guide/dev-guide-mobile-jitsi-meet, https://github.com/avstack/jitsi-meet-unity-demo, https://github.com/avstack/gst-meet, https://github.com/mrayy/mrayGStreamerUnity, https://community.jitsi.org/t/gst-meet-connecting-native-code-including-unity-to-jitsi-meet-status-update/117094, https://github.com/linh-nh/gstreamer-jitsi-meet, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlmOvYJzIoI)


TODO: find the html/js that gets served and may be possible to adapt.



TODO: gather more information


TODO: Finish the setup of simple Streamer/Server/Client.