Users - xpand-io/api-docs GitHub Wiki

GET /api/v1/users

Get details for a multiple users.


Name Required Notes
filter required can filter by id or email

Sample requests

GET /api/v1/users?filter[email][email protected],[email protected]

GET /api/v1/users?filter[id]=56d0d9807661670f29080000,56d0d9807661670f29080001

Sample response

  "data": [
      "id": "56d0d9807661670f29080000",
      "type": "users",
      "attributes": {
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "User",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "start_date": "2012-03-20",
        "external_ids": {
          "ATS_ID": "123",
          "HRIS_ID": "abc"
    }, {
      "id": "56d0d9807661670f29080001",
      "type": "users",
      "attributes": {
        "first_name": "Jen",
        "last_name": "User",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "start_date": "2012-03-23"

GET /api/v1/users/:id

Get details for a single user. The id can be an Xpand ID, or an external ID in the format external_service=external_id, for example GET /api/v1/users/HRIS_ID=123456

Sample response

  "data": {
    "id": "56d0d9807661670f29080000",
    "type": "users",
    "attributes": {
      "first_name": "Joe",
      "last_name": "User",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "start_date": "2012-03-20",
      "external_ids": {
        "ATS_ID": "123",
        "HRIS_ID": "abc"

Sample cURL request

curl -i -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""

POST /api/v1/users

Create a new user

Parameters for user object

Name Required Type Notes Validation messages
email required String Must be a valid email address. Must be unique for each user. Non case-sensitive.
Regex validation: ^(?!...)[a-zA-Z0-9][\w-.]@[A-Za-z\d-]+(.[A-Za-z\d-]+)*.[A-Za-z]+$
  • Missing required params: email
  • Email address already exists
  • Email address invalid: joe@example
work_email String Must be a valid email address. Must be unique for each user.
  • Email address already exists
  • Email address invalid: joe@work-example
first_name required String Must not contain numbers or any of the following special characters !@#$%^&*()
  • Missing required params: first_name
  • First name has invalid characters
middle_name String Must not contain numbers or any of the following special characters !@#$%^&*()
  • Middle name has invalid characters
last_name required String Must not contain numbers or any of the following special characters !@#$%^&*()
  • Missing required params: last_name
  • Last name has invalid characters
legal_first_name String Must not contain numbers or any of the following special characters !@#$%^&*()
  • Legal first name has invalid characters
legal_last_name String Must not contain numbers or any of the following special characters !@#$%^&*()
  • Legal last name has invalid characters
start_date required String Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Can be present, or future dates only.
  • Missing required params: start_date
  • Invalid start date: 2020/25/01
  • Start date cannot be a past date
employee_type required for offer_accepted candidates String See reference values here for allowed employee type values.
  • Missing required params: employee_type
candidate_status required String See reference values here for allowed candidate status values.
  • Missing required params: candidate_status
legal_entity String See reference values here for existing legal entity values.
cost_center_id String See reference values here for existing cost center values.
relocation_type String
blocked Boolean Disable or enable a user account in Xpand.
  • Blocked can only be true or false
reason_blocked String A brief description of why the user why the user account is being disabled in Xpand
ats_id required String This is the unique id of the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Missing required params: ats_id
hris_id String This is the employee id of the Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
  • Missing required params: hris_id
office_location_id required JSON JSON where key is name of external service, e.g. `{"HRIS_ID": "NEWYORK". There must be an office location in Xpand with a matching employee id. See reference values here for existing office location external ids
  • Missing required params: office_location_id, Office location not found with ID: {"HRIS_ID"=>"54321"}
  • Office location not found for: {:office_location_id=>"111"}
external_ids JSON JSON where key is name of external service, e.g. {"ATS_ID": "123", "HRIS_ID": "abc"}
  • Missing required params: ATS_ID
recruiter_ids JSON JSON where key is name of external service, e.g. {:recruiter=>{"HRIS_SYS"=>"12345"}, recruiting_manager=>{"HRIS_SYS"=>"56789"}} (There must be a recruiter in Xpand or HRIS_SYS(Ex: workday) with a matching employee id)
  • Missing required params: recruiter
  • Missing required params: recruiting_coordinator
  • Recruiter not found with ID: {:recruiter=>{"HRIS_SYS"=>"12345"}}
user_manager_ids JSON JSON where key is name of external service, e.g. {:direct_manager=>{"HRIS_SYS"=>"12345"}, hiring_manager=>{"HRIS_SYS"=>"56789"}} (There must be a manager in Xpand or HRIS_SYS(Ex: workday) with a matching employee id)
  • Missing required params: manager
  • Missing required params: direct_manager
  • Manager not found with ID: {:manager=>{"HRIS_SYS"=>"12345"}}
documents Array Array which holds the collection of document information, e.g.
  • document_type (String)(Ex: offer_letter,resume,others)
  • document_number (String)
  • document_title (String)
  • document_position (Integer)
  • document_description (String)
  • issuer (String)
  • issuer_city (String)
  • issuer_state (String)
  • issuer_country (String)
  • issued_date (String)
  • expiry_date (String)
  • attachments (Array) [{file_name:'', file_content_base64:''}]
  • Missing required params: document_type
  • Invalid issue date: 2020/25/01
  • Expiry date cannot be a past date
  • Invalid document_type: Doc
educations Array Array which holds the collection of education information, e.g.
  • school_name (String)
  • degree (String)
  • start_date (String)
  • end_date (String)
  • student_id (String)
  • time_type (String)
  • major (String)
  • minor (String)
  • gpa (Float)
  • specialization (String)
  • graduated (Boolean)
  • graduation_date (String)
  • grade (String)
  • name_while_attending (String)
  • address (JSON){street:'', city:'', state:'', postal_code:'', country:''}
  • attachments (Array)[{file_name:'', file_content_base64:''}]
  • Missing required params: school_name, student_id, degree
  • Invalid start date: 2020/25/01
  • End date cannot be a prior to start date
work_experiences Array Array which holds the collection of employment information, e.g.
  • employer (String)
  • employee_id (String)
  • start_date (String)
  • end_date (String)
  • current (Boolean)
  • job_title (String)
  • department (String)
  • employment_type (String)
  • reason_for_leaving (String)
  • salary (String)
  • manager_name (String)
  • manager_phone (String)
  • manager_email (String)
  • hr_name (String)
  • hr_phone (String)
  • hr_email (String)
  • address (JSON){street:'', city:'', state:'', postal_code:'', country:''}
  • attachments (Array)[{file_name:'', file_content_base64:''}]
  • Missing required params: employer, employee_id
  • Invalid start date: 2020/25/01
  • End date cannot be a prior to start date
addresses Array Array which holds the collection of address information, e.g.
  • line_1 (String)
  • line_2 (String)
  • line_3 (String)
  • city (String)
  • state (String)
  • postal_code (String)
  • country (String)
  • current (Boolean)
  • permanent (Boolean)
  • start_date (String)
  • end_date (String)
  • attachments (Array)[{file_name:'', file_content_base64:''}]
  • Invalid country name/code: [country name]
phone_numbers Array Array which holds the collection of phone information, e.g.
  • number (String)(E.164 Format)
  • type (String)(Ex: mobile,landline,unknown)
  • primary (Boolean)
  • Missing required params: number, type, primary

Sample Input Offer Accepted

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "external_ids": {
                "ATS_ID": "test123",
                "HRIS_ID": null
            "candidate_status": "offer_accepted",
            "first_name": "Joe",
            "last_name": "User",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "start_date": "2020-09-08",
            "legal_entity": "LE1",
            "cost_center_id": "CC1",
            "employee_type": "Intern",
            "blocked": false,
            "relocation_type": "none",
            "office_location_id": {
                "HRIS_ID": "NEWYORK"
            "recruiter_ids": {
                "recruiter": {
                    "HRIS_SYS": "45678"
                "recruiting_coordinator": {
                "recruiting_manager": {
            "user_manager_ids": {
                "direct_manager": {
            "educations": [
                 "school_name": "string", /* College/ Institute/ University, Location */
                 "degree": "string", /* Course Name / Qualification/ Program Type */
                 "start_date": "string", /* Year Started */
                 "end_date": "string", /* Year of Passing */
                 "student_id": "string", /* Roll No/ Registration No/Enrollment No. */
                 "time_type": "string", /* Mode of Qualification/(Full Time/Part Time) */
                 "specialization": "string", /* Specialization */
                 "graduated": "boolean", /* Graduated */
                 "graduation_date": "string", /* Graduation Date */
                 "grade": "string", /* Grade */
                 "name_while_attending": "string", /* Name while attending the collage */
                 "major": "string",
                 "minor": "string",
                 "gpa": "float",
                 "address": {
                   "street": "string",
                   "city": "string",
                   "state": "string",
                   "postal_code": "string",
                   "country": "string"
                 "attachments": [
                     "file_name": "string", /* File Name. */
                     "file_content_base64": "string" /* Base 64 encoded string representation of the electronic file. */
            "work_experiences": [
                   "employer": "string", /* Company Name */
                   "employee_id": "string", /* Employee Code */
                   "start_date": "string", /* Year Started */
                   "end_date": "string", /* Year of Ended */
                   "current": "string", /* Current Employer */
                   "job_title": "string", /* Designation */
                   "department": "string", /* Department */
                   "employment_type": "string", /* Employment Type Regular/Contractor */
                   "reason_for_leaving": "string", /* Reason for Leaving */
                   "salary": "string", /* Salary */
                   "manager_name": "string", /* Manager Name */
                   "manager_phone": "string", /* Manager Phone */
                   "manager_email": "string", /* Manager Email */
                   "hr_name": "string", /* HR Name */
                   "hr_phone": "string", /* HR Phone */
                   "hr_email": "string", /* HR Email */
                   "address": {
                     "street": "string",
                     "city": "string",
                     "state": "string",
                     "postal_code": "string",
                     "country": "string"
                   "attachments": [
                      "file_name": "string", /* File Name. */
                      "file_content_base64": "string" /* Base 64 encoded string representation of the electronic file. */
            "documents": [
                    "document_type": "string", /* Type of document for the case eg. Passport, Driving Licence. Visa */
                    "document_number": "string", /* Identification number for the document eg. Passport number for a Passport. */
                    "document_title": "string", /* Title of the document. */
                    "document_position": "string", /* The order to be displayed to candidates. */
                    "document_description": "string", /* Description of the document. */
                    "issuer": "string", /* Issuing authority for the document. */
                    "issuer_city": "string", /* City which is the issuing authority of the document. */
                    "issuer_state": "string", /* State or Province which is the issuing authority of the document. */
                    "issuer_country": "string", /* Country which is the issuing authority of the document. */
                    "issued_date": "string", /* Date on which the document was issued. */
                    "expiry_date": "string", /* Expiry date of the document. */
                    "attachments": [
                            "file_name": "string", /* File Name. */
                            "file_content_base64": "string" /* Base 64 encoded string representation of the electronic file. */
            "addresses": [
                "line_1": "31 St, 34 West",
                "line_2": "",
                "line_3": "",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "New York",
                "postal_code": "10018",
                "country": "USA",
                "current": "true",
                "permanent": "false",
                "start_date": "2020-09-08",
                "end_date": "2023-09-08",
                "attachments": [
                   "file_name": "string", /* File Name. */
                   "file_content_base64": "string" /* Base 64 encoded string representation of the electronic file. */
           "phone_numbers": [
               "number": "+14044580880",
               "type": "mobile",
               "primary": "true"
                "number": "+18559716364",
                "type": "landline",
                "primary": "false"
            "position_data": {
              "job_family": "",
              "business_unit_id": "",
              "department": "",
              "position_type": "",
              "pay_rate": "",
              "job_title": "",
              "job_level": "",
              "cost_center_id": ""

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "id": "5f7ba86ea51d9f356153c995",
    "type": "users",
    "attributes": {
        "created_at": "2020-10-05T23:12:46Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-10-05T23:12:46Z",
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "User",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "start_date": "2020-09-08",
        "home_address": null,
        "external_ids": {
            "ATS_ID": "test123",
            "HRIS_ID": null
        "badge_photo": null,
        "blocked": false,
        "reason_blocked": null,
        "candidate_status": "offer_accepted",
        "cost_center_id": "CC1",
        "job_profile_id": null,
        "relocation_type": "none",
        "legal_entity": "LE1",
        "recruiter_ids": {},
        "user_manager_ids": {}

Sample cURL request for Offer Accepted

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_KEY" -d '
"data": {
  "attributes": {
    "external_ids": {
      "ATS_ID": "test123", 
      "HRIS_ID": nil
    "candidate_status": "pre_offer", 
    "first_name": "Joe", 
    "last_name": "User", 
    "email": "[email protected]", 
    "start_date": "2100-01-01", 
    "legal_entity": "LE1", 
    "recruiter_ids": {
      "recruiter": {"HRIS_SYS": "012599"}, 
      "recruiting_coordinator": {"HRIS_SYS": "018004"}
      "recruiting_manager": {"HRIS_SYS": "018004"}
    "manager_id": "direct_manager": {"HRIS_SYS": "012599"}, 
    "employee_type": "Regular", 
    "blocked": false}

PATCH /api/v1/users/:id

Update a user

Parameters for user object

Same as for create

Sample Input

Same as for create

Sample response

Same as for create

Sample cURL request

Same as for create

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️