Hardware OBI Euromate Wifi Plug v2 - xoseperez/espurna GitHub Wiki

OBI / Euromate Wifi Plug v2

OBI / Euromate Wifi Plug v2

Property Value
Manufacturer OBI / Euromate
Product page Wifi Stecker Schuko Weiß @ obi.de
Wiki page


This is the second version of power plugs from obi.de (cf. v1) containing a ESP-WROOM-02. To open the device you need a Y-screw driver bit (~ size 1, screw head is 5 mm in diameter).



You need to solder some wires to the following pins:

Used Pins

Like this (soldering GPIO0 is optional but recommended):

Cables attached

Now connect your USB-to-UART converter (RX to TX, TX to RX, GND to GND, 3V3 to 3V3 (mind issues below)). For flashing you can use the prebuild image espurna-x.x.x-euromate-wifi-stecker-shuko-v2.bin. After issuing a esptool.py command you will need to connect GPIO0 to GND, press button S2 and release GPIO0 again. After flashing you will have to press S2 again to restart the device.


The power from my USB-to-UART converter was not enough for the device to boot up. So I applied external 3.3 V (in this case connect only RX, TX and GND to you USB-to-UART converter (no 3V3!)).