Hardware Lampi RGBWW Battery Powered Smart Light - xoseperez/espurna GitHub Wiki

Lampi RGBWW Battery Powered Smart Light


Property Value
Manufacturer Hamed's Technological Adventures
Product page https://oshwlab.com/hamedta/lampii
Wiki page https://github.com/hamed-ta/Lampi
Build flag LAMPI_RGBWW


Lampi Smart Light

LAMPI is an RGBWW WiFi LED smart light based on ESP8266, there is an INA219 energy sensor on the board that enables it to measure the battery voltage and the energy consumption and maintain the light intensity when the battery voltage changes. It also protects LEDs from overheating by measuring the temperature of the LED board.

For the schematic and PCB, check this link






1 - disconnect J1 as both RXD and GPIO16 will be high in flash mode, which can burn blue channel mosfet/LEDs/resistor.

2 - connect your USB to UART Bridge to RXT, TXD, and GND pines on the board.

3 - connect a pushbutton to SW2 (GPIO2).

4 - connect power (3-5 Volts or depending on the regulator and LEDs up to 16 volts).

5 - push and hold the pushbutton connected to SW2 and touch the rest pin to the metal case of ESP8266 or GND pin to reset ESP.

6 - Progamm ESP in this way for the first program, for the next time you can flash with OTA.
