CodingStyle - xoseperez/espurna GitHub Wiki

Coding style

  • Current style follows closely (but not fully) the WebKitCode Style Guidelines
  • This project uses 4 space indentation, not tabs.
  • Function definitions and if / for / while starting bracket is in the same line:
int _domoticzRelay(unsigned int idx) {
  • One-line control clauses should use braces:
do {
    if (something) {
} while (blah);

if (...) return; can sometimes be an exception, where it is the only expression.

  • Class names are UpperCamelCased
class DigitalSensor : public BaseSensor {
  • Method names are lowerCamelCased:
int buttonFromRelay(unsigned int relay_id) {
  • Constants (Enumerations, const, constexpr const) should be UpperCamelCased:
constexpr const size_t ValuesMax = 5;
enum class Colors {
  • Variables should be underscored_lower_case (I know, I don't always follow this rule myself - in many cases they are also lowerCamelCased):
// Preferred:
bool delete_flag = false;

// Less preferred:
unsigned long rfCodeON = 0;
  • Private methods and variables (even if private to the module they are declared on) are prefixed with an underscore (_):
bool _dcz_enabled = false;

int _domoticzRelay(unsigned int idx) {

  • Prefer static_cast<T>(...) and reinterpret_cast<T>(...) over C-style casts.
  • When creating a new subclass of a class that contains virtual methods (like BaseSensor, BasePin etc.), it should specify override keyword when overriding virtual methods.

TODO: clang-format

Current style does not always match what .clang-format might generate.


Code is checked using cppcheck.

I know current code does not always follow these rules. I'm fixing it as I rework each of the modules.