Hiding individual color buttons of Rich Text Editor(RTE) - xmpie-users/uStore-js GitHub Wiki
With the below code we can hide individual color buttons of RTE. Suppose if we want to hide black color button, then the code be like this.
<script type="text/javascript"> var myVar1; window.setTimeout(function(){ myVar1=$("#ctl00_cphMainContent_ucDialCustomization_Duc250831_uEditRTF_IFrame").contents().find(".btn"); myVar1[3].style.display="none"; }, 1000); </script>Aboue i created myVar1 variable. this variable is holding the contents of colors that RTE contains. Color numbers starts from 3. for Black color array value is 3 for White color array value is 4 for Aqua color array value is 5 and so on.. like this we can count and hide desired color buttons.