Adding catalog number to the job ticket - xmpie-users/uStore-js GitHub Wiki
The uStore Admin application has a feature that allows you to download or print a job ticket for each item in an order:
While the job ticket includes a lot of information required for printing the job (eg properties), for dynamic products it does not list the catalog number of the uStore product.
You can modify a existing sql query and have the catalog number showing Below are the instructions:
Create a new Message Template SQL
- Login to uStore admin
- Click Presets -> System Setup -> Message Template SQL
- Look for the Message Template SQL ID = 124
- Add the value from the DB table that you want to get. In our case P.CatalogNo with a coma to separate it from the existing values. This is how it could look like after the adding of "P.CatalogNo":
exec('SELECT PC.Name as ProductName , P.CatalogNo , dbo.fn_GetLocalizedText(DocType.StringID, ' + @SetupCultureID + ') as DocName , DocType.DocTypeID as DocTypeId FROM Product P JOIN Product_Culture PC ON P.ProductID = PC.ProductID INNER JOIN Doc ON P.ProductID = Doc.ProductID INNER JOIN DocType ON Doc.DocTypeID = DocType.DocTypeID WHERE P.ProductID = '+@ProductID+' AND PC.CultureID = '+@SetupCultureID)
Click Present > System Table > Message Template
Look for the Message Template ID = 27 (job ticket)
Click on the button in the top 'Edit Localized Text'
Select the edit icon on the left of the Message Template language you prefer to use.
Add the following code snippet to the body where you want it to be shown:
<xsl:value-of select="//Sqls/Product/Row/CatalogNo" />
Done. Please try if the job ticket shows the catalog number as defined.