The Kiosk mode - xiechao00/node-webkit GitHub Wiki

The Kiosk mode requires node-webkit >= v0.3.1

The Kiosk mode is mainly suited for public displays and information stands. Such stands are typically found in libraries, airports, bank offices, or shopping malls. The information stand will run a node-webkit app that lets the user browse for the necessary information, but denies access to the computer and browser settings.

Kiosk Mode Settings

After entering Kiosk mode, node-webkit will become fullscreen, and there will be no ways to quit by clicking mouse.

On Linux and Windows, users can still quit node-webkit by pressing keys like Alt + F4 and Control + Alt + Del, currently node-webkit does not block those keys be because it would make node-webkit behave like virus and be blocked by AV software.

On Mac, because it has a decent Kiosk API, node-webkit will hide menu bar and Dock bar, and process switching will also be blocked.

Enter Kiosk Mode

There are two ways to open Kiosk mode in the node-webkit, one is to specify "kiosk": true in the package.json:

  "window": {
    "kiosk": true

In this way, node-webkit will automatically enter kiosk mode when starting the app.

The other way is to use our Window API, you can place a call to Window.enterKioskMode in the <script> tag:

var gui = require('nw.gui');

Quit Kiosk Mode

Usually under Kiosk mode, there is no normal way to quit node-webkit, so you must provide a way for administrators to leave Kiosk mode or quit the app.

To leave Kiosk mode, there is a corresponding function Window.leaveKioskMode in Window API:

var gui = require('nw.gui');

After calling this, node-webkit will leave fullscreen and give up system controls.

Or you can just quit the whole app with App API:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️