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Welcome to the Faye's Learning World!

Code Complete

201306 Language Interpreter and Function Composition

201707 The Science of of System Design (using TLA+, PlusCal and TLC)

201903 Distributed Fault Tolerant System Design

SICP Series

201510 Lecture 1 Introduction

201510 SICP系列 第1讲 课程介绍 学习笔记

201511 Lecture 2 High-Order Procedures, Compound Data and Picture Language

201511 SICP系列 第2讲 高阶过程、复合数据和元数据抽象 学习笔记

201512 Lecture 3 Symbolic Differentiation and Generic Operators

201601 Lecture 4 Pattern-Matching and Rule-Based Substitution

201602 Lecture 5 Assignment, State, and Side-effects Computational Objects

201605 Lecture 6 Stream (1)

201611 Lecture 7 Stream (Full)

Guided Readings Notes

Reading Notes


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