User Guide - xianglei/phpHiveAdmin GitHub Wiki

By following the installation guide, now you may see the phpHiveAdmin UI from a browser. Still it's simple. But however, the most important thing is to use it. So let's start

1. Setting up language

Open, find "require_once 'langs/lang_en.php';" Change it to your localize language, now support English/Chinese

2.Setting up Hive thrift server

Open find "define('HOST',''); and define('PORT','10000');" set HOST to your hive ip, and PORT to your hive port

3.Setting up Hive and Hadoop command line path

Open to find lines below and modify it to your HIVE and HADOOP and JAVA executable HOME directory, like you set export HADOOP_HOME=... in bash.

  1. $env['hadoop_home'] = '/opt/modules/hadoop/hadoop-';
  2. $env['hive_home'] = '/opt/modules/hive/hive-0.7.1';
  3. $env['java_home'] = '/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21';

4.Setting up log and data storage path to write-able permissions

  1. $env['etl'] = './etl/';( ETL path, need all write-able privilege )
  2. $env['output_path'] = '/data2/tmp/phpHiveAdmin';( query result storage path, need all write-able privilege )
  3. $env['logs_path'] = './logs/';( query logs storage path, need write-able privilege )

5.Setting up ACL(Access Control List) file

  1. open accesslist.ini file with vi
  2. write the username and password you want, and set the only access database for the limited user in privdb, seperated with comma each database name.
  3. mrslots means Map/Reduce slots set, front is map slots and end is reduce slots, seperated with a comma, 0,0 means unlimited.


1. 设置语言

打开,找到"require_once 'langs/lang_en.php';"并修改为你自己习惯的语言,目前支持 英文/中文

2. 设置Hive Thrift Server

打开,找到"define('HOST',''); 和 define('PORT','10000');" 并设置为hive thrift server的IP和端口

3.设置Hive, Hadoop和Java的安装路径

打开 找到以下条目,并修改为你自己的HIVE, HADOOP 和 JAVA的默认安装路径, 就如同你在BASH中设置$HADOOP_HOME一样

  1. $env['hadoop_home'] = '/opt/modules/hadoop/hadoop-';
  2. $env['hive_home'] = '/opt/modules/hive/hive-0.7.1';
  3. $env['java_home'] = '/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21';


  1. $env['etl'] = './etl/';( etl存储配置路径,全局可写 )
  2. $env['output_path'] = '/data2/tmp/phpHiveAdmin';( 查询结果集存储路径,需要全局可写 )
  3. $env['logs_path'] = './logs/';( 查询历史日志存储,需要全局可写 )


  1. 用vi打开 accesslist.ini 文件
  2. 写上你需要的用户名密码, 并且在privdb部分配置受限用户的受限访问db列表,用英文逗号分隔数据库名
  3. mrslots 意思是 Map/Reduce 槽位设置, 前面是map槽位后面是reduce槽位, 用英文逗号分隔, 0,0 意味着不受限.