Using OpenSC - xhanulik/OpenSC GitHub Wiki

Using OpenSC

The and many tools need the opensc config file to work properly. On Linux and Mac OS X the location of the config file is set when calling configure and then compiled in. However you can use the OPENSC_CONF environment variable to specify a different config file. See also the EnvironmentVariables page.

On Windows the opensc config file is found using the registry key HKML\Software\OpenSC Project\OpenSC\ConfigFile. If you compile and install OpenSC from source you need to set this registry key to point to the install file. Users can set HKMU\Software\OpenSC Project\OpenSC\ConfigFile to override the system wide settings. Also users can use the OPENSC_CONF environment variable to override both registry settings.

Debug level

The OpenSC configuration (in general /etc/opensc.conf) has a debug level variable: debug. It is possible to overwrite this value using the OPENSC_DEBUG environment variable. For example you can use:

$ OPENSC_DEBUG=9 pkcs11-tool --list-slots

PKCS #11 Spy

PKCS#11 Spy is a special PKCS#11 Module that sits between your application and your real PKCS#11 Module, and creates a log file with all functions calls by the application and return values by the real PKCS#11 Module. It does not change the communication in any way. Be aware such log files are security sensitive, as all information is logged, including PIN, PUK, signatures and so on. So you should only use it for debugging, and preferable only with test keys.

On Linux and Mac OS X you can use PKCS#11 Spy with environment variables: by default stderr will be used for logging, but you can set PKCS11SPY_OUTPUT to a filename, and that file will be appended. You need to set PKCS11SPY to your PKCS#11 Module such as (but use an absolute path) to use PKCS#11 Module.

On windows the read PKCS#11 Module is found using HKLM\Software\OpenSC Project\PKCS11-Spy\Module and the output is written to the file specified in HKLM\Software\OpenSC Project\PKCS11-Spy\Output (Default: %TEMP%\pkcs11-spy.log). Again users can override these system wide settings using HKLU, and again user can use environment variables to override the registry settings.

Note that PKCS#11 Spy no longer reads the OpenSC config file and the settings in that config file (up to OpenSC version 0.9.*) are no longer valid. Now it is absolutely necessary to set at least the module via environment variables (or registry on windows).

Example, with Gnome evolution mail reader:

PKCS11SPY=/usr/lib/pkcs11/ \
PKCS11SPY_OUTPUT=logfile \

Inside evolution, select instead of

To debug ssh-agent, these environment variables needs to be set for the ssh-agent process:

export PKCS11SPY=/usr/lib/pkcs11/ \
export PKCS11SPY_OUTPUT=logfile `eval ssh-agent`;
ssh-add -s /usr/lib/