Compiling on Windows - xhanulik/OpenSC GitHub Wiki
- New Microsoft's Cryptographic Provider Development Kit
- WiX Toolset
- OpenSSL (optional)
- OpenPACE (optional)
- zlib (optional)
Prebuilt OpenSSL libraries are available here. Download and install the 32 bit or 64 bit package for your target platform. OpenSSL can then be found on C:\OpenSSL-Win32
or C:\OpenSSL-Win64
Download and unpack the source code of the latest release of OpenPACE. Open a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt and change to the OpenPACE's src
directory. Compile the library:
set OPENSSL=C:\OpenSSL-Win64
When compiling for 32 bit, use
set OPENSSL=C:\OpenSSL-Win32
cl /I%OPENSSL%\include /I. /DX509DIR=\"/\" /DCVCDIR=\"/\" /W3 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /GS /MT /c ca_lib.c cv_cert.c cvc_lookup.c x509_lookup.c eac_asn1.c eac.c eac_ca.c eac_dh.c eac_ecdh.c eac_kdf.c eac_lib.c eac_print.c eac_util.c misc.c pace.c pace_lib.c pace_mappings.c ri.c ri_lib.c ta.c ta_lib.c objects.c
lib /out:libeac.lib ca_lib.obj cv_cert.obj cvc_lookup.obj x509_lookup.obj eac_asn1.obj eac.obj eac_ca.obj eac_dh.obj eac_ecdh.obj eac_kdf.obj eac_lib.obj eac_print.obj eac_util.obj misc.obj pace.obj pace_lib.obj pace_mappings.obj ri.obj ri_lib.obj ta.obj ta_lib.obj objects.obj
Download and unpack the source code of the latest release of zlib. Open a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt and change to the zlib directory.
Compile the library for 32 bit:
nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF" OBJA="inffas32.obj match686.obj" zlib.lib
Compile the library for 64 bit:
nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc AS=ml64 LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF -I." OBJA="inffasx64.obj gvmat64.obj inffas8664.obj" zlib.lib
When the new CPDK is used, you shall update the Include path:
--- a/win32/Make.rules.mak
+++ b/win32/Make.rules.mak
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ CANDLEFLAGS = -dOpenPACE="$(OPENPACE_DIR)" $(CANDLEFLAGS)
# Used for MiniDriver
-CNGSDK_INCL_DIR = "/IC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft CNG Development Kit\Include"
+CNGSDK_INCL_DIR = "/IC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Cryptographic Provider Development Kit\Include"
CNGSDK_INCL_DIR = "/IC:\Program Files\Microsoft CNG Development Kit\Include"
Change win32/Make.rules.mak
according to your desired build configuration. Specifically, you may want to change
for WiX Toolset -
for OpenSSL -
for OpenPACE -
for zlib
Use Cygwin or MSYS2 to install
- autoconf
- automake
- libtool
- make
- gcc or mingw-w64 (will not be used for build)
- pkg-config
Open a Cygwin/MSYS2 terminal or console and change to the OpenSC directory (the previously installed tools need to be found in the %PATH%
). Create the built source files:
autoreconf -i
./configure --disable-openssl --disable-readline --disable-zlib
make -C etc opensc.conf
cp win32/winconfig.h config.h
copy src\minidriver\ src\minidriver\versioninfo-minidriver.rc
copy src\pkcs11\ src\pkcs11\versioninfo-pkcs11.rc
copy src\pkcs11\ src\pkcs11\versioninfo-pkcs11-spy.rc
copy src\tools\ src\tools\versioninfo-tools.rc
copy win32\ win32\OpenSC.wxs
copy win32\ win32\versioninfo-customactions.rc
copy win32\ win32\versioninfo.rc
copy win32\ win32\winconfig.h
The resulting files still contain strings that are encapsulated in @@@. You need to replace these place holders with meaningful values.
Open a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt and change to the OpenSC directory. Build the OpenSC binaries and installer:
nmake /f Makefile.mak
cd win32
nmake /f Makefile.mak OpenSC.msi
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