Phantom files - xcist/documentation GitHub Wiki

Any of the phantoms can be converted to a voxelized phantom using the function catvoxel.m. This will produce output that can be used by catdose.m and catscatter.m as well as by catsim.m.

The routine that reads and parses the phantom is specified using cfg.callback_phantom = 'PhantomCallback';
where 'PhantomCallback' is one of

  • Phantom_Analytic
  • Phantom_NCAT
  • Phantom_Voxelized
  • Phantom_Polygonal

This is set according to which type of phantom file is used, and which projector callback is specified. For details of these dependencies see Table 1: Phantom types and associated callback functions.

The phantom file is given by

cfg.phantom_filename = 'FileName';

where FileName is a file with extension .pp (FORBILD syntax), .ppm (CatSim syntax), or .nrb (NCAT syntax). These can be located in the phantoms directory, but a full path can be included optionally, or the file can be specified relative to the current working directory.

cfg.phantom_scale = ScaleFactor;

is an optional scale factor to be applied to the phantom. Generally CatSim uses mm for all dimensions.

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