Dose Reconstruction - xcist/documentation GitHub Wiki
Dose Reconstruction is a new method for volumetrically reconstructing absorbed dose on a per-voxel basis, directly from the actual CT images.
The interface of Dose Recon function is very similar as CatDose.
The main function is catdoserecon.m
function [dosevol] = catdoserecon(configfilename, cfg, adjust, preadjust, silent)
The cfg
variables are:
cfg.doserecon_n_voxel = cfg.recon_size; % size of the volume for dose recon
cfg.doserecon_xoffset = 0; % patient x offset from iso-center
cfg.doserecon_yoffset = 0; % patient x offset from iso-center
cfg.doserecon_zoffset = 0; % patient x offset from iso-center
cfg.doserecon_Mu_water = 0.2; % effective Mu according to spectral cal
cfg.doserecon_Mu_bone = 0.75; % effective Mu according to spectral cal
cfg.doserecon_do_convol = 0; % do convolution or not (1/0)
cfg.doserecon_phantom_material = 'polyethylene'; % if phantom material is known ...
- How to use:
I. Generate the CT image.
II. Call catdoserecon
For example, with catsim and catsimrecon:
catsim xxx.cfg;
catsimrecon xxx.cfg;
catdoserecon xxx.cfg;