Deprecated ‐ Phantoms and projectors - xcist/documentation GitHub Wiki
There are several different phantom types/formats, including
- voxelized,
- analytic,
- polygonal, and
- NURBS (the format for files produced by XCAT software).
Each type requires its own projector because, as a ray is traced from the source to the detector, we need to determine the pathlength though each material in the phantom, as well as the volume fraction of that material. Determination of the pathlength and material properties depends on the phantom format, hence the need for projectors that can parse each format.
Voxelized files are specified as one or more 2D images. For details about the format, see
Because voxelized phantoms are specified as images, they can be visualized using an image viewer. For details about visualization using ImageJ, see Viewing image files using ImageJ.
The latter three phantom types are specified in text files, each with their own unique format. For details about those formats, see
These phantom types are difficult to visualize, because it would be necessary to parse the file and render an image of what it describes. At this time, no such utilities are provided with XCIST.