toHuman - xarvh/squarepants GitHub Wiki

Problem: Debug.toHuman/Debug.log output is, ironically, unfit for human consumption.

The two functions are meant to be used only when debugging, so they don't need to be super consistent/reliable... But they need to be easy to use and have a readable, meaningful and possibly cut&pasteable output.


  • It needs to take a value and produce a FA.Expression, then feed that to the formatter.

  • In order to properly display values, the two functions must access the Modulesfile.

    • For consistency and simplicity, it's probably better that they use the main project's Modulesfile.

    • -> This will create problems with distinguishing two values from two different libraries that have similar names.

    • It needs to be able to check UMR aliases and USR globals.

  • Probably needs to be done by MakeEmittable?

  • Until we have monomorphization, the generation function should complain if the type is not complete