1. Getting Started - xander-haj/zelda3 GitHub Wiki

1.a Dependencies

  • a zelda3.sfc US ROM file (for asset extraction step only) with SHA256 hash 66871d66be19ad2c34c927d6b14cd8eb6fc3181965b6e517cb361f7316009cfb.
  • the libsdl2-dev library (ubuntu: apt install libsdl2-dev, macOS: brew install sdl2). On Windows, it's installed automatically with NuGet.
  • *Linux/MacOS Only:
    • Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
    • Fedora Linux sudo dnf in sdl2-devel
    • Arch Linux sudo pacman -S sdl2
    • macOS: brew install sdl2

Git for cloning and updating

git bash git clone


  • The pillow and pyyaml python dependencies used by the assets extractor. pip install pillow pyyaml

    For Beginners

    • verify PIP is installed and Add Python 3.1X to Path is checked when running the installer


  • Launch Command Prompt. cd into your python directory and install the dependencies from above

python dependency install

if you do not know where your install directory is press win + r and type %AppData% this will take you to the Roaming folder, press the back key to get to the Local folder.

1.b Building Programs for Windows

At this moment we offer 3 different options to build the project If light weight is your goal you may opt for TCC, but please note that TCC builds without optimizations so the game will run considerably slower. Visual Studios and MSYS2 are the other options available

Visual Studios

verify that Desktop Development with C++ is checked and the other options to the right

build instructions will be in the Compile Section

Screenshot 2022-09-30 20-59-33

TCC (Tiny C Compiler)

build instructions will be in the Compile section

Screenshot 2022-09-30 21-19-17


the perks of this option is you will be able to git clone, run the python scripts, and compile all-in-one. will go over build instructions later in the Compile section

Install instructions are on the site

will go over build instructions later in the Compile section

Screenshot 2022-09-30 21-20-09

MSYS2 Setup now to save time later

  • Launch MSYS2 MINGW64

    type: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-pillow

    after it's done type: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python-yaml

  • Verification

    type: sdl2-config --cflags

    should output: -IC:/msys64/mingw64/include/SDL2 -Dmain=SDL_main

    if so, type: sdl2-config --libs

    should output: -LC:/msys64/mingw64/lib -lmingw32 -mwindows -lSDL2main -lSDL2

  • Install Make

    type: pacman -S make

  • Install GCC

    type: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc

    that's all for now, head over to 2. Cloning and Setup