Bountiful Baubles - xShuuShii/RLCraft GitHub Wiki

Bountiful Baubles

Baubles, items that grant a special ability, have been added. Some are craftable, while others must be found.* Each one grants a special ability such as resistance, extended invincibility-frames, or immunity to cactus damage (might need a nerf).

Settings (bauble.yml)

  • Customize any feature about the baubles
  • MaxAmplifier - Maximum level of potion effect a player can have get with multiple potion rings
  • Amplifiers are 1 value stronger than they appear
    • Ex: An amplifier of 0 corresponds to Resistance I
    • Set to -1 to disable
  • Duration - Length of the potion effect in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
  • TickTime - How frequently potion rings update in ticks
    • Increase this number if you have performance issues with the plugin

Do not set below 1