Editing Player - xAranaktu/FIFA-23-Live-Editor GitHub Wiki

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The FIFA Live Editor tool is designed to work in Manager Career Mode. Some features may not work in player career mode or tournament mode

It won't work in online game modes like Pro Clubs/Volta/FUT

Make Backups!

Before you edit anything, you should make a backup of your save. Simply save your career on any other slot. If something will go wrong with your edits you will be able to restore your career at the point before you edited the player at any time.

In-game screen

The common mistake is that people are editing their players while they are in "Edit Player" screen in-game. Don't do that! Any changes you made in the tool will be overwritten with old player data when you exit the "edit player" screen. You can be in squad hub or central or office. Literally anywhere except "Edit Player".

Editing players in Squad File

Yes, you can use this to edit players in squad file. Edit the player as the described below. After players are edited, in-game go to Customize -> Profiles -> Save Squads

Now whenever you will want to use this squad in your career, go to Customize -> Profiles -> Load Squads and load your save squad.

Then when starting new career pick "Use Current Squads"

Open Player Editor

To open player editor:

  • Run the FIFA 23 Live Editor. (Getting Started Guide)
  • Load the game mode where you want to edit player
  • Press F9 on your keyboard to open the menu
  • From Window click on Features

  • Open Players

  • Wait a moment until the tool load the players
  • Find Player and Click on Edit icon to start editing him

  • You can now edit the player.

Editing attributes

Video that you can follow

To edit player attributes:

  1. Click on Attributes Tab

  1. Change attributes as you want
  2. Apply Changes

Changing Head Model

This won't work for created player

If you want to change headmodel of one of your players to Messi head model for example you will need his head model ID. Head Model IDs are the same as the playerids. You can find the IDs in this Google Spreadsheet So, Messi headmodel is is 158023.

In players editor:

  1. Click on Appearance Tab
  2. Change Has High Quality Head to "Yes"
  3. Change Head Class to "Specific"
  4. Change Head Asset ID to the ID you want. 158023 for Messi in this case
  5. Apply Changes
  6. Find the player in squad hub/transfer hub to confirm the change

If you want to remove the head model simply do the opposite:

  1. Click on "Appearance" on the right
  2. Change Has High Quality Head to "No"
  3. Change Head Class to "Generic"
  4. Change Head Asset ID to "0"
  5. Apply Changes
  6. Find the player in squad hub/transfer hub to confirm the change

Team Selection Bias

In Player Editor -> Other you can find two fields:

  • Selection Bias
    • Higher value means higher chance to be included in starting XI. 0 means no selection bias at all. Set on 1000 to ensure that player will always play.
  • Position on Pitch
    • Position where the player will play. Leave NONE to let the Manager AI decide. Selection Bias must be higher than 0 to make this take effect.

This is similar to Freeze Lineup, but instead of freezing lineup of 11 players, you can just ensure that 1, 2 or 3 players for example will be included in starting 11 and the rest will be decided by Manager AI.

Probably it's ignored in games played between two CPU teams. Use this only in player career mode or in manager career mode to edit your next oponnent starting 11

After you have changed the selection bias, Apply Changes and make sure you have saved the selection bias before you clicked on "Play Match" button in-game.

Saving changes

After you edit player you need to save him to let the game know that you edited something This can be done by clicking on Player -> Save in top left corner of the player editor window

  • To be able to see the changes in game you need to re-enter current screen. For example, if you are in squad hub you will need to exit squad hub and enter squad hub again to be able to see the changes.
  • Save your career to make the changes permanently.