Features - xAranaktu/FIFA-23-CM-Cheat-Table GitHub Wiki

Current Features available in the latest version of FIFA 23 CM Cheat Table

  • Non-CM Related
    • Dont Pause Game on AltTab (desc)
    • Game Settings
      • Camera (desc)
        • Camera Height
        • Camera Zoom
        • Pro Camera Zoom
        • Pro Camera Speed
        • Pro Camera Swing
    • Free Fly Camera (desc)
      • Use Gamepad for camera movement
      • Disable Zoom
      • Camera rotation multiplier
      • Camera move speed
      • X
      • Y
      • Z
      • RotV
      • RotH
      • Zoom
  • FIFA Database Tables
    • Players Table
      • Player Info
        • playerid
        • nationality
        • modifier
        • overallrating
        • potential
        • preferredposition1
        • preferredposition2
        • preferredposition3
        • preferredposition4
        • preferredfoot
        • firstnameid
        • lastnameid
        • commonnameid
        • playerjerseynameid
        • attackingworkrate
        • defensiveworkrate
        • playerjointeamdate
        • contractvaliduntil
        • internationalrep
        • skillmoveslikelihood
        • skillmoves
        • weakfootabilitytypecode
        • birthdate
        • isretiring
        • gender
      • CARD
        • pacdiv
        • driref
        • shohan
        • defspe
        • paskic
        • phypos
      • Attributes
        • Technical
          • dribbling
          • standingtackle
          • slidingtackle
          • crossing
          • shortpassing
          • ballcontrol
          • headingaccuracy
          • longpassing
          • defensiveawareness
          • curve
          • volleys
          • freekickaccuracy
          • shotpower
          • finishing
          • longshots
          • penalties
        • Physical
          • jumping
          • strength
          • balance
          • stamina
          • acceleration
          • agility
          • sprintspeed
        • Mental
          • positioning
          • reactions
          • composure
          • interceptions
          • aggression
          • vision
        • Goalkeeping
          • gkdiving
          • gkhandling
          • gkkicking
          • gkpositioning
          • gkreflexes
      • Traits
        • Traits 1
          • Long Throw-in
          • Power FK
          • Injury Prone
          • Solid Player
          • Dives into Tackles (CPU)
          • Unused
          • Leadership
          • Early Crosser
          • Finesse Shot
          • Flair
          • Long Passer (CPU)
          • Long Shot Taker (CPU)
          • Speed Dribbler (CPU)
          • Playmaker (CPU)
          • GK Long Throw
          • Power Header
          • Giant Throw-in
          • Outside Foot Shot
          • Swerve Pass
          • Second Wind
          • Flair Passes
          • Bicycle Kicks
          • GK Flat Kick
          • One Club Player
          • Team Player
          • Chip Shot (CPU)
          • Technical Dribbler (CPU)
          • GK Rushes Out of Goal
          • GK Cautious with Crosses
          • GK Comes for Crosses
        • Traits 2
          • Unused
          • GK Saves with Feet
          • Set Play Specialist
      • Accessories
        • gkglovetypecode
        • smallsidedshoetypecode
        • shoetypecode
        • shoecolorcode1
        • shoecolorcode2
        • shoedesigncode
        • accessorycode1
        • accessorycode2
        • accessorycode3
        • accessorycode4
        • accessorycolourcode1
        • accessorycolourcode2
        • accessorycolourcode3
        • accessorycolourcode4
      • Appearance
        • headassetid
        • headtypecode
        • hairtypecode
        • height
        • weight
        • haircolorcode
        • eyecolorcode
        • facialhaircolorcode
        • headclasscode
        • skintypecode
        • skintonecode
        • hashighqualityhead
        • headvariation
        • bodytypecode
        • hairstylecode
        • sideburnscode
        • facialhairtypecode
        • eyebrowcode
        • tattooback
        • tattoofront
        • tattoohead
        • tattooleftarm
        • tattooleftleg
        • tattoorightarm
        • tattoorightleg
        • shortstyle
        • jerseyfit
        • jerseysleevelengthcode
        • socklengthcode
      • Other
        • avatarpomid
        • gkkickstyle
        • gksavetype
        • faceposerpreset
        • emotion
        • hasseasonaljersey
        • personality
        • animfreekickstartposcode
        • animpenaltiesstartposcode
        • runstylecode
        • runningcode1
        • runningcode2
        • finishingcode1
        • finishingcode2
        • iscustomized
        • usercaneditname
    • Editedplayernames Table
      • firstname
      • commonname
      • playerjerseyname
      • surname
      • playerid
    • Dcplayernames Table
      • nameid
      • name
    • Teamplayerlinks Table
      • artificialkey
      • form
      • injury
      • isamongtopscorers
      • isamongtopscorersinteam
      • istopscorer
      • jerseynumber
      • leagueappearances
      • leaguegoals
      • leaguegoalsprevmatch
      • leaguegoalsprevthreematches
      • playerid
      • position
      • reds
      • teamid
      • yellows
    • Teams Table
      • assetid
      • attackrating
      • ballid
      • buildupplay
      • captainid
      • chancecreation
      • cityid
      • clubworth
      • crowdregion
      • crowdskintonecode
      • defenserating
      • defensivedepth
      • defensivestyle
      • defensivewidth
      • domesticcups
      • domesticprestige
      • ethnicity
      • favoriteteamsheetid
      • flamethrowercannon
      • form
      • foundationyear
      • freekicktakerid
      • genericbanner
      • genericint1
      • genericint2
      • goalnetstanchioncolor1b
      • goalnetstanchioncolor1g
      • goalnetstanchioncolor1r
      • goalnetstanchioncolor2b
      • goalnetstanchioncolor2g
      • goalnetstanchioncolor2r
      • haslargeflag
      • hasstandingcrowd
      • hassubstitutionboard
      • hastifo
      • hasvikingclap
      • internationalprestige
      • isbannerenabled
      • iscompetitioncrowdcardsenabled
      • iscompetitionpoleflagenabled
      • iscompetitionscarfenabled
      • jerseytype
      • latitude
      • leaguetitles
      • leftcornerkicktakerid
      • leftfreekicktakerid
      • longitude
      • longkicktakerid
      • matchdayattackrating
      • matchdaydefenserating
      • matchdaymidfieldrating
      • matchdayoverallrating
      • midfieldrating
      • numtransfersin
      • offensivestyle
      • offensivewidth
      • opponentstrongthreshold
      • opponentweakthreshold
      • overallrating
      • penaltytakerid
      • personalityid
      • pitchcolor
      • pitchlinecolor
      • pitchwear
      • playersinboxcorner
      • playersinboxcross
      • playersinboxfk
      • playsurfacetype
      • popularity
      • powid
      • presassetone
      • presassettwo
      • prev_el_champ
      • profitability
      • rightcornerkicktakerid
      • rightfreekicktakerid
      • rivalteam
      • skinnyflags
      • stadiumgoalnetpattern
      • stadiumgoalnetstyle
      • stadiummowpattern_code
      • stanchionflamethrower
      • teamcolor1b
      • teamcolor1g
      • teamcolor1r
      • teamcolor2b
      • teamcolor2g
      • teamcolor2r
      • teamcolor3b
      • teamcolor3g
      • teamcolor3r
      • teamid
      • teamname
      • teamstadiumcapacity
      • trainingstadium
      • trait1vequal
      • trait1vstrong
      • trait1vweak
      • uefa_cl_wins
      • uefa_consecutive_wins
      • uefa_el_wins
      • uefa_uecl_wins
      • utcoffset
      • youthdevelopment
    • Leagueteamlinks Table
      • actualvsexpectations
      • artificialkey
      • awaydraws
      • awayga
      • awaygf
      • awaylosses
      • awaywins
      • champion
      • currenttableposition
      • grouping
      • hasachievedobjective
      • highestpossible
      • highestprobable
      • homedraws
      • homega
      • homegf
      • homelosses
      • homewins
      • lastgameresult
      • leagueid
      • nummatchesplayed
      • objective
      • points
      • previousyeartableposition
      • prevleagueid
      • teamform
      • teamid
      • teamlongform
      • teamshortform
      • unbeatenallcomps
      • unbeatenaway
      • unbeatenhome
      • unbeatenleague
      • yettowin
    • Manager Table
      • bodytypecode
      • commonname
      • ethnicity
      • eyebrowcode
      • eyecolorcode
      • faceposerpreset
      • facialhaircolorcode
      • facialhairtypecode
      • firstname
      • gender
      • haircolorcode
      • hairstylecode
      • hairtypecode
      • hashighqualityhead
      • headassetid
      • headclasscode
      • headtypecode
      • headvariation
      • height
      • managerid
      • managerjointeamdate
      • nationality
      • outfitid
      • personalityid
      • seasonaloutfitid
      • sideburnscode
      • skintonecode
      • skintypecode
      • surname
      • teamid
      • weight
    • career_calendar Table
      • currdate
      • dateid
      • enddate
      • objectivecheckdate
      • setupdate
      • startdate
      • transferwindowend1
      • transferwindowend2
      • transferwindowstart1
      • transferwindowstart2
    • career_users Table
      • agentname
      • clubteamid
      • commonname
      • firstname
      • goalnews
      • leagueid
      • leagueseasonmessagesent
      • nationalityid
      • nationalteamid
      • playertype
      • primarycompobjid
      • seasoncount
      • sponsorid
      • surname
      • userid
      • usertype
      • wage
    • career_playercontract Table
      • contract_date
      • contract_status
      • duration_months
      • isperformancebonusachieved
      • last_status_change_date
      • loan_wage_split
      • performancebonuscount
      • performancebonuscountachieved
      • performancebonustype
      • performancebonusvalue
      • playerid
      • playerrole
      • signon_bonus
      • teamid
      • wage
    • default_mentalities Table
      • buildupplay
      • chancecreation
      • defensivedepth
      • defensivestyle
      • defensivewidth
      • formationaudioid
      • formationfullnameid
      • mentalityid
      • offensivestyle
      • offensivewidth
      • offset0x
      • offset0y
      • offset10x
      • offset10y
      • offset1x
      • offset1y
      • offset2x
      • offset2y
      • offset3x
      • offset3y
      • offset4x
      • offset4y
      • offset5x
      • offset5y
      • offset6x
      • offset6y
      • offset7x
      • offset7y
      • offset8x
      • offset8y
      • offset9x
      • offset9y
      • playerid0
      • playerid1
      • playerid10
      • playerid2
      • playerid3
      • playerid4
      • playerid5
      • playerid6
      • playerid7
      • playerid8
      • playerid9
      • playerinstruction0_1
      • playerinstruction0_2
      • playerinstruction10_1
      • playerinstruction10_2
      • playerinstruction1_1
      • playerinstruction1_2
      • playerinstruction2_1
      • playerinstruction2_2
      • playerinstruction3_1
      • playerinstruction3_2
      • playerinstruction4_1
      • playerinstruction4_2
      • playerinstruction5_1
      • playerinstruction5_2
      • playerinstruction6_1
      • playerinstruction6_2
      • playerinstruction7_1
      • playerinstruction7_2
      • playerinstruction8_1
      • playerinstruction8_2
      • playerinstruction9_1
      • playerinstruction9_2
      • playersinboxcorner
      • playersinboxcross
      • playersinboxfk
      • position0
      • position1
      • position10
      • position2
      • position3
      • position4
      • position5
      • position6
      • position7
      • position8
      • position9
      • sourceformationid
      • teamid
    • default_teamsheets Table
      • captainid
      • customsub0in
      • customsub0out
      • customsub1in
      • customsub1out
      • customsub2in
      • customsub2out
      • freekicktakerid
      • leftcornerkicktakerid
      • leftfreekicktakerid
      • longkicktakerid
      • penaltytakerid
      • playerid0
      • playerid1
      • playerid10
      • playerid11
      • playerid12
      • playerid13
      • playerid14
      • playerid15
      • playerid16
      • playerid17
      • playerid18
      • playerid19
      • playerid2
      • playerid20
      • playerid21
      • playerid22
      • playerid23
      • playerid24
      • playerid25
      • playerid26
      • playerid27
      • playerid28
      • playerid29
      • playerid3
      • playerid30
      • playerid31
      • playerid32
      • playerid33
      • playerid34
      • playerid35
      • playerid36
      • playerid37
      • playerid38
      • playerid39
      • playerid4
      • playerid40
      • playerid41
      • playerid42
      • playerid43
      • playerid44
      • playerid45
      • playerid46
      • playerid47
      • playerid48
      • playerid49
      • playerid5
      • playerid50
      • playerid51
      • playerid6
      • playerid7
      • playerid8
      • playerid9
      • rightcornerkicktakerid
      • rightfreekicktakerid
      • teamid
  • Club Finances
    • Transfer Budget
  • Editing Player
    • Player Data (desc)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Known As
      • Kit Name
      • Birth Year
      • Birth Month
      • Birth Day
      • Kit Number
  • Training
    • Manager CM
      • Always A (desc)
      • Players Development (desc)
        • Bonus Exp
        • Exp Multiplier
        • Boost only players
          • PlayerID 1
          • PlayerID 2
          • PlayerID 3
          • PlayerID 4
          • PlayerID 5
          • PlayerID 6
          • PlayerID 7
          • PlayerID 8
          • PlayerID 9
          • PlayerID 10
          • PlayerID 11
          • PlayerID 12
          • PlayerID 13
          • PlayerID 14
          • PlayerID 15
          • PlayerID 16
          • PlayerID 17
          • PlayerID 18
          • PlayerID 19
          • PlayerID 20
          • PlayerID 21
          • PlayerID 22
          • PlayerID 23
          • PlayerID 24
          • PlayerID 25
          • PlayerID 26
          • PlayerID 27
          • PlayerID 28
          • PlayerID 29
          • PlayerID 30
    • Created Player CM
      • Grade Achieved XP (desc)
        • Value
  • Manager
    • Unsackable (desc)
    • Never Retire (desc)
    • Make ManagerID editable (desc)
      • ManagerID
  • Hire Scouts (desc)
    • Free 5/5 Scouts (desc)
    • Detailed Info
      • Scout 1
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 2
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 3
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 4
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 5
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
  • Job Offers (desc)
    • Club Team
      • Club Team ID
      • Wage
      • Optional (only visual change)
        • League ID
        • Table Position
        • W
        • D
        • L
    • National Team (desc)
      • National Team ID
      • Objective - World Cup
      • Objective - Continent Cup
  • Play As Player
    • Finances
      • Wage
      • Funds
    • Reputation
      • Manager Reputation
      • Squad Role
    • Create Transfer Offer
      • New Team ID
      • Current Team ID
      • Transfer SUM
      • Wage
      • IsLoan
      • Optional
        • OfferDate (YYYYMMDD)
    • 999 Skill Points (desc)
  • Fitness
    • Restore to full after training session (desc)
    • Mass Edit
      • Your Team
        • Heal All Players (desc)
        • Refill all players energy (desc)
  • Morale
    • Mass edit players morale in team
      • All Players - Very Unhappy (desc)
      • All Players - Unhappy (desc)
      • All Players - Content (desc)
      • All Players - Happy (desc)
      • All Players - Very Happy (desc)
  • Form
    • Mass edit players form in team
      • All Players - Bad Form (desc)
      • All Players - Poor Form (desc)
      • All Players - Okay Form (desc)
      • All Players - Good Form (desc)
      • All Players - Excellent Form (desc)
  • Sharpness
    • Set given value on change (desc)
      • Sharpness to set
    • Mass Edit
      • Whole Game
        • All Players - 1 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 10 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 30 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 50 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 75 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 100 Sharpness (desc)
      • Your Team
        • All Players - 1 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 10 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 30 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 50 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 75 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 100 Sharpness (desc)
  • Youth Academy
    • Generate new report (desc)
    • Generate players with custom ID (desc)
      • PlayerID 1
      • PlayerID 2
      • PlayerID 3
      • PlayerID 4
      • PlayerID 5
      • PlayerID 6
      • PlayerID 7
      • PlayerID 8
      • PlayerID 9
      • PlayerID 10
      • PlayerID 11
      • PlayerID 12
      • PlayerID 13
      • PlayerID 14
      • PlayerID 15
    • Reveal Ovr & Pot (desc)
    • Send scout to any country (desc)
      • Nationality
    • Allow multiple scouts in the same country (desc)
    • Mission doesn't cost anything (desc)
    • 15 Players Per Report (desc)
    • Age Range
      • Low
      • High
    • Attribute Modifier Range (desc)
      • Primary range low
      • Primary range high
      • Secondary range low
      • Secondary range high
    • Potential Range (desc)
      • Low
      • High
    • 100% chance for 5 weak foot (desc)*
    • 100% chance for 5 skill moves (desc)*
    • Min Age for Promotion
  • Global Transfer Network
    • Reveal player data (scouting players not needed) (desc)
  • Match Settings
    • Change Stadium (desc)
      • StadiumID
    • Half Length (desc)
      • Half Length
    • Time Of Day (desc)
      • Time Of Day
    • Weather (desc)
      • Weather
  • Transfer HUB
    • Change Release Clause value to 1 (desc)
    • Allow Transfer approach (desc)
    • Allow Loan approach (desc)
  • Player Contract
    • Disable negotiation status checks (desc)
  • Side Changer (desc)
    • CPU vs CPU (desc)
    • Control Home Team (desc)
    • Control Away Team (desc)
    • Controller ID
  • Gameplay (desc)
    • Match Timer (desc)
      • End current half (desc)
      • Freeze timer (desc)
      • Reset timer (desc)
      • TIME
    • Unlimited Substitutions (USER) (desc)
    • Home Team
      • Home - Disable Substitutions (CPU) (desc)
      • Home - Injured players (desc)
      • Home - 5 stars skill moves (desc)
      • Home - NeverTired players (desc)
      • Home - Tired players (desc)
      • Home - Goals scored
    • Away Team
      • Away - Disable Substitutions (CPU) (desc)
      • Away - Injured players (desc)
      • Away - 5 stars skill moves (desc)
      • Away - NeverTired players (desc)
      • Away - Tired players (desc)
      • Away - Goals scored
    • Never Tired Player IDs
      • PlayerID 1
      • PlayerID 2
      • PlayerID 3
      • PlayerID 4
      • PlayerID 5
      • PlayerID 6
      • PlayerID 7
      • PlayerID 8
      • PlayerID 9
      • PlayerID 10
      • PlayerID 11
      • PlayerID 12
      • PlayerID 13
      • PlayerID 14
      • PlayerID 15
      • PlayerID 16
      • PlayerID 17
      • PlayerID 18
      • PlayerID 19
      • PlayerID 20
      • PlayerID 21
      • PlayerID 22
      • PlayerID 23
      • PlayerID 24
      • PlayerID 25
      • PlayerID 26
      • PlayerID 27
      • PlayerID 28
      • PlayerID 29
      • PlayerID 30
      • PlayerID 31
      • PlayerID 32
      • PlayerID 33
      • PlayerID 34
      • PlayerID 35
  • Free & Unlimited Releasing Players (desc)