interfaces utils - wxyz-abcd/node-haxball GitHub Wiki


This object consists of several helper utility functions for developers.

1. Functions

  • generateAuth(): Promise([authKey: string, authObj: Auth])

    Generates a new player_auth_key along with its companion auth object(auhObj) to be used as parameters to the function Room.join. We should store the auth key and use it later if we want to be recognized in Haxball rooms. Any internal error will result in a rejected promise.

    Parameters: None.

    Return value: Promise([authKey: string, authObj: Auth]).


    function joinRoomWithNewAuth(roomId, playerName, playerAvatar){
      Utils.generateAuth().then(([authKey, authObj])=>{
          id: roomId,
        }, {
          storage: {
            player_name: playerName,
            avatar: playerAvatar,
            player_auth_key: authKey,
            // ...
          authObj: authObj,
          other parameters here
  • authFromKey(authKey: string): Promise(Auth)

    Recreates the auth object from the given authKey. The returned object is only to be used as parameter to the function Room.join.

    • Bad inputs or any internal error will result in a rejected promise.


    • authKey: string: A simplified string that represents an auth object.

    Return value: The Auth object that was generated from the given authKey.


    function joinRoomWithOldAuth(roomId, authKey, playerName, playerAvatar){
          id: roomId,
        }, {
          storage: {
            player_name: playerName,
            avatar: playerAvatar,
            player_auth_key: authKey,
            // ...
          authObj: authObj,
          other parameters here
      }, (error)=>{
        console.error("Wrong auth key.");
  • getRoomList(): Promise(roomListArray: RoomData[])

    Connects to Haxball's backend server, retrieves the current room list and returns it.

    Parameters: None.

    Return value: A promise that returns the current list of open rooms returned from the Haxball's backend server.


  • calculateAllRoomDistances(geo: GeoLocation, roomList: RoomData[]): void

    Calculates the distances to the given GeoLocation geo of all rooms in given roomList and stores them inside each room's dist property.


    • geo: GeoLocation: The location to calculate the distances to.
    • roomList: RoomData[]: The room list to update.

    Return value: void.


    function getRoomListSortedByDistanceToGeoLocation(geoLocation){
      return Utils.getRoomList().then((list)=>{
        calculateAllRoomDistances(geoLocation, list);
        list.sort((a, b) => (a.dist - b.dist));
        return list;
  • numberToColor(number: int): string

    Returns the html color string (rgba representation) of the given number. This function is mostly intended to be used in renderers and map editors. Bad inputs will return a bad string output.


    • number: int: A number in the range [0, 16777215].

    Return value: The rgba representation of the color that was generated from the given number.


    function drawTextWithColor(canvas, x, y, text, color){
      var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
      ctx.fillStyle = Utils.numberToColor(color);
      ctx.fillText(text, x, y);
      return canvas;
  • colorToNumber(color: string): int

    Returns the number representation of the given html color string. (rgba representation) This function is mostly intended to be used in renderers and map editors.

    • Bad inputs will return undefined.
    • Alpha value of the input color is not used. (The game engine currently assigns 255 to all alpha values by default.)


    • color: string: The rgba representation of a color.

    Return value: An integer that represents the given color.


    function createCustomSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, curve, rgbColor){
      return room.state.createSegmentFromObj({
        v0: room.state.createVertex({x: x1, y: y1}),
        v1: room.state.createVertex({x: x2, y: y2}),
        curve: curve, 
        color: Utils.colorToNumber(rgbColor)
  • keyState(dirX: int, dirY: int, kick: boolean): int

    Returns an integer key state value, only to be used with Room.setKeyState.


    • dirX: int: Desired x direction. One of [-1:left, 0:still, 1:right].
    • dirY: int: Desired y direction. One of [-1:up, 0:still, 1:down].
    • kick: boolean: Desired pressed state of the kick button.

    Return value: An integer in the range [0, 31].


    // This will be interpreted as pressing left direction key and kick key, and releasing all other keys.
    room.setKeyState(Utils.keyState(-1, 0, true));
  • reverseKeyState(state: int): object

    Returns the explanation of the given key state.


    • state: int: An integer in the range [0, 31].

    Return value:

    An object that has the following keys:

    • dirX: int: X direction. One of [-1:left, 0:still, 1:right].
    • dirY: int: Y direction. One of [-1:up, 0:still, 1:down].
    • kick: boolean: State of the kick button.


  • runAfterGameTick(state: int): object

    Runs a callback function after ticks game ticks.


    • callback: Function<void>: The function to run.
    • ticks: int: Number of ticks to wait before running the callback function. Defaults to 1.

    Return value: void.


      console.log("This code will run after 3 game ticks.");
    }, 3);
  • getGeo(): Promise(GeoLocation)

    Connects to Haxball's backend server, retrieves your location based on IP address using backend's geolocation API and returns it.

    • Might throw errors.

    Parameters: None.

    Return value: A promise that returns a GeoLocation object that has your location data retrieved from the backend server.


    function joinRoomWithNewAuthAndBackendGeo(roomId, playerName, playerAvatar){
        Utils.generateAuth().then(([authKey, authObj])=>{
            id: roomId,
          }, {
            storage: {
              player_name: playerName,
              avatar: playerAvatar,
              player_auth_key: authKey,
              geo: geo,
              // ...
            authObj: authObj,
            other parameters here
        console.error("Error:", ex);
  • getDefaultStadiums(): Stadium[]

    Returns the default stadium array.

    Parameters: None.

    Return value: All of the default stadiums as an array.

  • exportStadium(stadium: Stadium): string

    Generate and return text content from a stadium object that can be directly written in a .hbs file.

    Return value: string.


    function exportDefaultStadium(index){
      var allDefaultStadiums = Utils.getDefaultStadiums();
      return Utils.exportStadium(allDefaultStadiums[index]);
  • parseStadium(textDataFromHbsFile: string, onError: Function): Stadium | undefined

    Parses a string as a Stadium object.


    textDataFromHbsFile: string: The string representation of a Stadium object. onError: Function: A callback that is called if any error occurs.

    Return value: The generated Stadium object, or undefined if an error occurs.


    function changeStadium(room, fileObj){
      var fr = new FileReader();
      fr.onload = function () {
        var stadium = Utils.parseStadium(fr.result, console.warn);
        if (!stadium)
  • stadiumChecksum(stadium: Stadium): string | null

    Returns the checksum for the given stadium.


    • stadium: Stadium: The stadium object whose checksum is to be calculated.

    Return value: The checksum string of the given stadium, or null for default stadiums.

  • geoFromJSON(json: object): GeoLocation

    Creates and returns a GeoLocation object from a json object.


    • json: object: An object that has the following keys:
      • lat: Latitude value.
      • lon: Longitude value.
      • flag: Country code.

    Return value: A GeoLocation object.

  • geoFromString(jsonStr: string): GeoLocation

    Creates and returns a GeoLocation object from a stringified json object.


    • jsonStr: string: Stringified version of an object that has the following keys:
      • lat: Latitude value.
      • lon: Longitude value.
      • flag: Country code.

    Return value: A GeoLocation object.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️