[wxMaxima] Configuration file - wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima GitHub Wiki


Depending on the wxWidgets version the configuration information will be saved in the file .config/wxMaxima.conf or.wxMaxima located inside your home directory. Since the filename starts with a dot, it will be hidden.

You can retrieve the wxWidgets version from the command wxbuild_info(); or by using the menu option Help->About. wxWidgets is the cross-platform GUI library, which is the base for wxMaxima (therefore the wx in the name).

wxWidgets >= 3.1.1 (XDG-Standard)

If you are using wxWidgets >= 3.1.1 the configuration information will be saved in the file .config/wxMaxima.conf located inside your home directory.

wxWidgets < 3.1.1

If you are using wxWidgets < 3.1.1 the configuration information will be saved in the file .wxMaxima located inside your home directory.


If you are using Windows, the configuration will be stored in the registry. You will find the entries for wxMaxima at the following position in the Windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\wxMaxima.