[Help] Input Type Symbol Character - wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima GitHub Wiki

wxMaxima provides a method of entering special symbols using the keyboard:

  • A special symbol can be entered by pressing the ESC key and then starting to type the symbol character’s name.
  • Alternatively it can be entered by pressing ESC, one letter (or two for the Greek symbol omicron) and ESC again.

In this case the following symbols are supported:

Greek characters

Lower case

Greek letter Key to press Symbol
alpha a α
beta b β
gamma g γ
delta d δ
epsilon e ε
zeta z ζ
eta h η
theta q θ
iota i ι
kappa k κ
lambda l λ
mu m μ
nu n ν
xi x ξ
omicron om o
pi pi π
rho r ρ
sigma s σ
tau t τ
upsilon u υ
phi f φ
chi c χ
psi y ψ
omega o ω

Upper case

Greek letter Key to press Symbol
Alpha A A
Beta B B
Gamma G Γ
Delta D
Epsilon E E
Zeta Z Z
Eta H H
Theta T Θ
Iota I I
Kappa K K
Lambda L Λ
Mu M M
Nu N N
Xi X Ξ
Omicron Om o
Pi P Π
Rho R P
Sigma S Σ
Tau T T
Upsilon U Υ
Phi P Φ
Chi C X
Psi Y Ψ
Omega O

Mathematical Symbols

Keys to press Symbol Symbol description
!= not equal to
# not equal to
/= not equal to
/2 ½ 1/2
+/- ± a plus/minus sign
<< much less than
<= equal or less than
-> a right arrow
--> a long right arrow
>= equal or greater than
>> much greater than
2 squared
3 to the power of three
and and
approx approximately
ee element
empty empty
equiv equivalent to
exists there exists sign
geq qual or greater than
gg much greater than
hb Planck’s constant: a h with a horizontal bar above it
Hbar Ħ a H with a horizontal bar above it
ii imaginary
impl implies
implies implies
in in
inf infinity
integral integral sign
inter intersection
leadsto a leads to sign
leq equal or less than
ll much less than
nabla a nabla operator
nand nand
neq not equal to
nexists there is no sign
nor nor
not ¬ not
notsubset not subset
notsubseteq not subset or equal
or or
parallel a parallel sign
partial partial sign (the d of dx/dt)
perp a perpendicular sign
perpendicular a perpendicular sign
pm ± a plus/minus sign
prod product sign
product product sign
propto proportional to
qed end of proof
sq square root
subset subset
subseteq subset or equal
sum sum sign
TB big triangle right
tb small triangle right
union union
xor xor

Unicode characters

If a special symbol isn’t in the list it is possible to input arbitrary Unicode characters by pressing ESC [number of the character (hexadecimal)] ESC.

ESC 61 ESC therefore results in an a.


Please note that most of these symbols (notable exceptions are the logic symbols) do not have a special meaning in Maxima and therefore will be interpreted as ordinary characters. If Maxima is compiled using a Lisp that doesn’t support dealing with Unicode characters they might cause an error message instead.