[Help] Feedback in status bar - wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima GitHub Wiki

Long-running commands can provide user-feedback in the status bar. This user feedback is replaced by any new feedback that is placed there (allowing to use it as a progress indicator) and is deleted as soon as the current command sent to Maxima is finished. It is safe to use wxstatusbar() even in libraries that might be used with plain Maxima (as opposed to wxMaxima). If wxMaxima isn’t present the wxstatusbar() command will just be left unevaluated.

for i:1 thru 10 do (
    /* Tell the user how far we got */
    wxstatusbar(concat("Pass ",i)),
    /* (sleep n) is a Lisp function, which can be used */
    /* with the character "?" before. It delays the    */
    /* program execution (here: for 3 seconds)         */