Xapp852 patch by muhammad shahbaz - wvoice/Accelerators GitHub Wiki
XAPP852 patch for RLDRAM
This project implements a patch for simulating and running the Xilinx Application Note (XAPP852) - RLDRAM II Memory Interface for Virtex-5 FPGAs. The design targets the four CIO DDR RLDRAM II devices available on the NetFPGA-10G board. It operates the devices as a pair of two separate controllers (A & B) running at a clock rate of up to 300 MHz.
Steps to simulate and implement rldram_xapp852:
1.) Download the application note from Xilinx website (XAPP852)
Copy verilog and Chipscope folders from the freshly downloaded XAPP852 to nf10_rldram_xapp852/
Change directory to nf10_rldram_xapp852/ folder and apply the patch (nf10_rldram.patch)
patch -d verilog/ < nf10_rldram.patch
Running Simulation
Download the rldram2 memory model
Copy rldram2.v and rldram2_parameters.vh into the nf10_rldram_xapp852/sim folder
Run isim_run.bat under the sim/ folder
sh ./isim_run.bat
Running Implementation
Change directory to the run/ folder (Note: current clock speed - 250MHz)
xtclsh run4rld_A run_process
for RLDRAM Aor
xtclsh run4rld_B run_process
If the "DEBUG" flag is enabled in the nf10_rldram_xapp852/nf10_defs.v file, the status signals can then be monitored using the chipsope. Use the "run.cdc" file under the run/ folder to view these signals.
The status code for PASS_FAIL bus are
RESET_CODE = 3'b001;
PASS_CODE = 3'b010; - you should see this code for happiness :-)
ERROR_CODE = 3'b100;
INVALID_CODE = 3'b111;