NetFPGA 1G Port Template - wvoice/Accelerators GitHub Wiki
Muhammad Shahbaz (
pcore (HW)
S_PBS: Slave Packet-Stream bus, Variable width
M_PBS: Master Packet-Stream bus, Variable width
S_RBS: Slave Register-Stream bus, Variable width
M_RBS: Master Register-Stream bus, Variable width
C_M_PBS_DATA_WIDTH: Data width of the master Packet-Stream bus.
C_S_PBS_DATA_WIDTH: Data width of the slave Packet-Stream bus.
C_RBS_ADDR_WIDTH: Address width of the Register-Stream bus.
C_RBS_DATA_WIDTH: Data width of the Register-Stream bus.
C_RBS_SRC_WIDTH: Source width of the Register-Stream bus.
No registers are implemented for v1.00a.
This block serves as a template for porting NetFPGA-1G modules to the new 10G platform. It provides necessary .mpd, .pao, .bbd and .v mappings for smooth integration into the Xilinx EDK suite.