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Getting Started


When you first open the program, you will see something like this:

First time opening the program

The many folder icons with X's in them designate fields with invalid input. Mouse over each field to receive a brief description of the intended directory. (Note: The Attacks and Sprites fields do not refer to the directories inside of a Workshop character. They are separate.)

As you fill in the fields with valid directories, the Watch and Update buttons will enable.

Watch Button

Press this button to monitor the checked directories for changes. Whenever a file is updated, a converted counterpart will be placed in the according directory in your Workshop character's folder. It will not change the files you write to, it only reads from them.

Update Button

Press this button to check if any *.aseprite/*.atk files have been changed since the last conversion. Unlike the Watch button, this is a one-shot action. Useful to press any time you freshly open the program if you think you've changed anything since you have last used it.


Please refer to the Atk File Specification for more details.

Naming conventions


Files are named [attack].atk or [state].aseprite/[state].gif (based on settings), stored in their respective directories.

If a file is named [state]_hurt.aseprite and you have Hurtbox Generation enabled, it will not override the conversion of this file.


Sprites folder filenames (with Aseprite sprite searching set):


Attacks folder filenames:
