Akinkunmi Akinola Developer - wtaylorLC/DMU-Views GitHub Wiki

I will be responsible for creating the Movie website page to include images, trailer, user ratings, comment section and stars for each movie. This will allow Admin user to upload movies to the database and update them as required and allow all other user (Reviewer) to browse Movies that has been released, future movies that are coming up and also able to add movies to their watchlist. We have come up with an ERD diagram as a team to get the full picture of the data that needs to be captured on the system and to help us to identify the properties for each class required to design the system. So far, I have created a Movie and Genre Class. All of which can be found in my branch on the GitHub repository.

The second part that I will be responsible for is to create a Review page where users can view express their opinion by leaving comments on any movie as they wish and to allow Administrator to block user or delete comments as required.