Week 5 Meeting 2 Agenda - wshahzad/Team-Four GitHub Wiki

Review Mocks ups - Wire frames

  • fix a couple of typos - specility vs specialty; military on the the advance search screenshot

Update Pivotal Tracker

Discuss Test Cases

Update from Developers

  • final code review before demo


  • Word documents - cover page, headers, table of contents, no links
  • Report for CIO; less technical
  • Artifacts of the project
  • Working website functionality
  • Submit the Word document before the presentation for the facilitator to review
  • All team members should participate in the presentations; seamless flow between members during the presentation
  • Set presentation date and time - 4pm EST presentation ; we meet at 3:30pm EST
  • Presentation practice - Saturday 1pm EST - an hour
  • Word Report - post for review by Friday, Send to Rich on Sat