Week 1 Meeting 1 Agenda and Discussions - wshahzad/Team-Four GitHub Wiki

###Pick someone to boot strap your team

All team members showed how initiative and driven they are form the very first day the teams were created. Everybody introduced themselves and pointed out their strengths and desire to improve on their not so strong skills. Alex was to present the Meeting Agenda but the team was self-led.

###Review the Project, Team skills

Guy – support, management, programming, QA
Marvin – programming, requirements, .net
Waseem – programming, adp, experience with GitHub, .net
Alex – Project Management, requirements gathering, use cases

###Determine a team leader, project manager, etc.

  • Team lead facilitates meetings and tracks actions.
    Plans and facilitates the meetings, sends reminders and follow-ups.
    Keeps track of weekly deliverables, meetings’ minutes, attendees and tasks.
    Overlooks the flow of the project to make sure everybody is on track.
    Coordinates and assists with all tasks.

  • Senior developer guides resolution of merge conflicts.

  • Usability lead creates wireframes. The Usability Lead’s role is to capture User’s Experience of the overall project from beginning to end. To be the user’s advocate in the development process, perform user research, testing and set user standards for the project. The usability lead aids in project requirements and assists the team in design conception with the use of wireframes or prototypes. Leads the testing process to ensure the effectiveness of the design and determines if goals are met through user testing. Usability Lead will evaluate the success of the project as a whole to verify if the project accomplishes requirement goals, determines if users are satisfied, and evaluates project outcomes.

  • Test expert creates test cases.

###Determine how your team will get things done. Process- Development (One thing to think about is how will sign-offs be handled…)

The team understands the value of having professionals in different fields and believes in collaboration and team work. We will all participate in all tasks one way or another by advising, peer review, ideas and more. We establish meeting agendas and a list of deliverables each week. We are working on creating a checklist to make sure everything is completed in a timely manner.

###Determine how the team will resolve conflicts.

The team is focused on collaboration and learning from each other. If any arguments arise we will discuss the issue and decide on what is best for the team. If there are extreme situation where a team member is missing meetings or is not completing his/hers assignments, then the expectations will be communicated again and the team member will be given a chance to redeem himself/herself. If this doesn’t resolve the issue the facilitator will be involved.

###Team Meeting Schedule.

Weekly meetings will be held every Wednesday at 9pm EST and Sunday at 4pm EST via Google hangout. The meetings’ times or days may be adjusted if needed. Moreover, the team members will collaborate via emails, texts and phone calls. Contact information has been exchanged.

###Pick a Project Scope, let me know about it informally as soon as you can. (Example: Default Tracking System or something you are all interested in.)

Waseeb suggested creating a website focused on providing financial information. The website will incorporate innovative search tools, responsive design and user friendly UI. It will be essentially a specialized search engine for people interested in financial information.

###Invite the facilitator to all meetings, repositories, etc. (Do not worry about times for me. The team sets the pace.

###Propose team's composition

The team members would like to put their strengths into practice in order to assist the team and complete the project. However, we are all interested in going outside of our comfort zones and picking up diverse tasks. Therefore, for the first two weeks the roles are distributed but in two weeks, we will revisit and swap roles depending on who wants to expand their experience with a different role.

Make sure that your group creates a thread In the RULES of Engagement discussion Module 1 Group Discussion: Term Project Policy. This is where you should finalize "how your group will get things done and how to deal with conflicts. "See Discussion for the specifics. Just mark the discussion post FINAL In subject when complete. That is the post/doc I will grade. (You can include links to artifacts within tools but make sure to place the content we are looking for within online campus.)

###Deliverables Week 1

  • Register with Pivotal (tutorial)
  • Create GIT account (tutorial)
  • Share Github with prof and team
  • Team Roles and Team composition
  • Propose project scope
  • Team Policy and rules - Discussion posting