Changelog - writemonkey/wm3 GitHub Wiki

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March 18th 2023 --> Improved AI helper (ChatGPT) plugin

Version 3.3.0 (January 2023)

  • Added: New AI helper plugin integrates GPT-3 (ChatGPT) artificial intelligence text generation in WM (you must obtain your free API key from
  • Added: New Pandoc plugin - run Pandoc (a universal document converter) commands directly from WM to export/import from/to multiple document formats / Pandoc ( must be installed separately
  • Added: Clean command will remove redundant spaces, empty lines and tabs from the document or selection. Optionally it will also normalize all quote marks to straight quote marks
  • Added: Anchored reading option for fast reading. Similar to Bionic reading (
  • Added: Automatic folding for multilevel markdown lists (similar to heading folding)
  • Added:Drag and drop local image files into WM
  • Added: Command to Convert tabbed items to markdown table
  • Changed: Today view in library pane substituted with Last opened view - will show a list of last opened documents
  • Added: Support for YAML style metadata block delimiters (--- and ...)
  • Added: Use alternative field names in metadata - title instead of name, and keywords instead of tags
  • Added: Open setting files in the default JSON editor via the command palette
  • Added: Open the current theme file in the default CSS editor via the command palette
  • Added: Syntax Highlighting (theme definitions) for markdown footnotes
  • Improved: Improved jumps list category selection
  • Added: New theme - Black mamba
  • Added: New Search with Google command
  • Fixed: Scroll position jumping up and down sometimes when typing with the typewriter scrolling on in a document with different line heights
  • Fixed: ClickClack plugin: characters invoked via the Alt key didn't make any noise
  • Fixed/improved: Many small fixes, changes and improvements all over the place

Version 3.2.0 (April 2020)

  • Improved: Improved sentence boundaries detection and hence better sentence highlighting
  • Added: Sentence breakup mode - show sentences in paragraphs line-by-line, separated by a divider CTRL+F8
  • Added: Show comments in editor as "post-it stickers" via Collapsed ranges (F5)
  • Added: Word frequencies plugin - shows word cloud and frequencies list of used words for the current document
  • Added: Increase / decrease markdown heading level via keyboard ALT+UP / DOWN
  • Added: A setting to disable "jump to the place of last edit" on document open
  • Fixed: Don't count heading hash-tag characters (markdown) as words / characters
  • Fixed: Mark single trailing space at the end of the line when Show White Spaces is on - F8
  • Added: "Changes not saved" indicator - dot icon next to the document name
  • Added: Show last 7 recently used palette commands at the top of the list
  • Updated: Katex library for math rendering
  • Removed: Keyboard bindings for Rotate sepia and brightness
  • Fixed: The possessive forms of learned English words (from custom dictionary) are not marked as a spelling error any more
  • Changed / Improved: Option for "normal indented paragraphs" - paragraphs starting with tabs or spaces that won't translate to markdown code blocks (you can optionally enable this in settings file to override default markdown behavior - normal_line_indenting)
  • Removed: Visuals plugin; Google changed its image search service and it is no longer possible to extract images reliably
  • Added: Preview plugin - double click anywhere to Update the preview
  • Added: New themes - Red and Terminal
  • Improved: General theme improvements
  • Fixed: No more false positive detections of markdown tables in collapsed blocks
  • Fixed: Documents within folders not saving custom order in some cases
  • Fixed: The word count was incorrect if there was a hyperlink in the paragraph
  • Changed / Fixed: Shift + End/Home now selects from the cursor to the edge of the screen line (not to the start/end of the paragraph)
  • Changed / Improved: Lots of small tweaks & fixes
  • Changed: Version number arbitrarily jumped to 3.2

Version 3.0.10 (August 2019)

  • Added: Visuals - new experimental plugin that shows images based on the current document or selection and hopefully helps you with creative writing
  • Changed: Main editing font and line spacing are no longer part of the theme files; now selectable via command palette and applicable anytime
  • Added: Mark document as Read only to disable document editing
  • Added: Increase indent in markdown list with TAB, decrease with Shift+TAB
  • Changed: Database backup (if due) now happens when Writemonkey looses focus and not when minimised
  • Added: Count words / characters in project folder
  • Added: Restore deleted documents from Trash
  • Fixed: Words/sentences inside single quote marks (apostrophes) marked as spelling errors
  • Fixed: Potential data loss when synchronising documents and text files
  • Changed: New modal dialogs
  • Fixed: Disabled links in UI elements that potentially crashed wm
  • Added: Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H --> Copy document or selection as clean HTML
  • Added: Shortcut Ctrl+K, T --> To Title Case
  • Fixed: :some_text: was wrongly highlighted in editor
  • Fixed: Typewriter scrolling plus plugin is available again; removed (unstable) horizontal ruler feature
  • Fixed: Wordnik plugin - error due to API changes
  • Changed: Preview plugin - background and text colors in templates are no longer overwritten
  • Improved: Improved (cleaner) export templates
  • Added: New (preinstalled) font face: Operator Mono with nice rustic italic style
  • Added: Keep 2 versions of backup database files - last and the previous one
  • Added: Open database backup folder from command palette
  • Changed: Repository: show all global snippets along with project snippets when using Current project
  • Changed: Repository: Filter strings are no longer one character long, but are descriptive and perpended with @ - @project, @all, @exp, @macro and @img
  • Fixed / Changed: Many small fixes and improvements

Version 3.0.9 Beta 9 (April 2019)

  • Fixed/Improved: Auto save document even when text hasn't changed but folding, collapsed regions or bookmarks have
  • Fixed: Tasks (to-dos) no longer show in preview and on export (plugin)
  • Added: You can now force page breaks on export using horizontal rule --- (Preview plugin)
  • Added: Force empty lines at export using one space at the beginning of an otherwise empty line (Preview plugin)
  • Changed: New trigger/replace pairs for Auto replace plugin
  • Fixed: Ctrl+H (Replace All) now triggers the right command
  • Fixed: Syntax highlighting for comments was broken when commented text contained URL with http:// in it
  • Added: Ctrl + click on an item in Jump list will jump and focus on selected section; Double click on a heading toggles fold/unfold on that heading; double click on a document name in document pane toggles fold/unfold all headings
  • Added: Enable/disable Jump list categories via context menu
  • Added: Jumps pane shows positions of marked text (== ==) and footnotes
  • Added: Jump list items are now rendered (markdown)
  • Fixed: Jump list shows setex style headings (=== ---) correctly
  • Fixed: Jump list failed to update after new document has been loaded in some cases
  • Changed: Indent dots instead of heading numbers before items in Jumps pane
  • Improved: Increased readability in search fields
  • Improved: Keep text selected after marking text (Bold, Italic ...)
  • Fixed: Syntax coloring for marked text (== ==) shorter than 3 characters was broken
  • Added: When unbinding the file the user is asked whether to keep the file on disk or not
  • Fixed: Text in notification widget ran off the right side in some cases
  • Added: _default.js javascript file can be created in templates directory and will affect all export templates
  • Changed: Saving undo data along with a document is now turned off by default (faster saving and slimmer database)
  • Added: Ctrl+Shift+S shortcut triggers Save as file & bind to document command
  • Improved: Lots of small fixes & tweaks

Version 3.0.8 Beta 8 (January 2019)

  • Added / Changed: Show basic text statistics via context menu in infobar and select permanent on-screen unit (it is no longer possible to show multiple units at once in infobar)
  • Added: Customize standard page options, reading wpm and speaking wpm options in the settings file
  • Improved: Better handling of markdown keyboard commands like bold, italic, marked (CTRL+B, CTRL+I, CTRL+E)
  • Added: Support for markdown mark syntax (== ==)
  • Added: Support for markdown Table of contents
  • Added: Support for markdown footnotes / endnotes
  • Changed: Switched from Marked to Markdown-it parser
  • Fixed: Possible strange behavior when deleting documents from the document list, especially when deleting the last one
  • Fixed: Jumps - markdown heading ended up on the list even when embedded in a code block
  • Fixed: If paragraph contained multiple inline comments, word count was not correct
  • Fixed / Changed: Potential problems when bound file was changed outside wm; wm now checks which version (file or internal document) is newer and keeps the newer one
  • Added: Projects can now contain subprojects / subfolders
  • Removed: "Check project's word count" was removed and will be reintroduced in the next version.
  • Fixed: Font sizes when exporting via preview plugin
  • Improved: Many improvements in export templates
  • Added: Katex (math formulas rendering) support / inline & export
  • Added: Collapsed region goodies - images, katex, tables
  • Added: Preview shows focus only text
  • Added: Heading focus - F6 on a heading under the cursor - will focus on that heading and all of its subheadings
  • Added / Changed: Sentence focus: F6 with nothing selected will focus on the current sentence and not on a whole paragraph as in previous versions
  • Changed: After exiting focus mode previously focused block of text is not selected
  • Changed: On export, comments are now rendered with default template font (not mono space as before)
  • Fixed: Text scrolling lost its smoothness in some cases
  • Fixed: Spelling wouldn't kick in immediately after being enabled
  • Improved: Ton of small tweaks & changes

Version 3.0.7 Beta 7 (October 2018)

  • Added: Command palette now shows how much time has passed since the last database backup and the last database compaction
  • Changed: By default repository won't show snippets from other documents within the same project any more. You can show them using "Current project snippets" menu item
  • Added: Context menu on repository search field to set different views
  • Added: Search repository within different views
  • Added: Project menu option to move project to the top of the list
  • Added: Cut snippet command in repository context menu (copy&delete snippet)
  • Fixed: Manual document reordering within projects failed to stick in some cases
  • Fixed: Manual snippet reordering inside repository failed in some cases
  • Fixed: False "file has changed outside Writemonkey" warning on Windows machines with setting files_force_CRLF_line_breaks_on_windows set to true
  • Fixed: Key presses were bleeding through splash screen into the editor
  • Improved: Stability improvements all over the place

Version 3.0.6 Beta 6 (May 2018)

  • Added: Full text library search with simple syntax - replaces old "filter" field above the document list
  • Added: Simple project system allows you to split long form writings into separate documents
  • Added: Support for "scrap" documents. Documents marked that way will be considered as drafts / working documents and, for example, excluded from project export and statistics
  • Added: Click on the word counter at the bottom right will give you word count for the current project (scrap files excluded)
  • Added: By default repository now shows all items created in a project for all project documents
  • Added: Change order in document list (only in project mode) via dragg&drop
  • Added: Option to to scale UI elements - comes handy when working on big hi-res displays
  • Fixed: Document and Jump lists failed to redraw properly in some cases
  • Fixed: Meta data portion of the document is now excluded from word count and other stats
  • Fixed: In some circumstances WM window failed to show (stayed hidden) on startup
  • Changed/Fixed: Automatic database backup is now performed periodically after WM has been minimized and not after exit as before
  • Removed: Due to stability issues Typewriter scrolling plus plugin was demoted to "Experimental" status and removed from the download bundle
  • Added: Copy as clean HTML command for Preview plugin
  • Changed: Double click top or bottom info bar to scroll text to top/bottom (previously single click)
  • Improved: Better theme handling; allows for richer and more diverse themes
  • Added: Fresh-mint theme, tweaks for some other existing themes
  • Done: Ton of fixes, tweaks and improvements

Version 3.0.5 Beta 5 (March 2018)

  • Added: Save database backup via command palette or automatically every time wm is closed (off by default)
  • Improved: Better markdown syntax highlighting. You can optionally use underline-ish style for Heading 1 and Heading 2, i.e. === and ---
  • Improved: Added icons in command palette for better visibility
  • Added: New schemes for Click Clack plugin emulating mechanical keyboards with different switches - MX blue, red, black and ALPS style switch
  • Fixed: CTRL+P shortcut (print text) works again
  • Removed: Blinking inactivity session timer (replaced by Stamina bar plugin)
  • Added: Access repository snippets via command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+R)
  • Added: Generate and copy Table of contents (as TAB indented text) via Command Palette
  • Added: Access documents via command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+U)
  • Added: Access jumps items via command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+O)
  • Improved: All smart characters are now very smart (they work with or without selection)
  • Changed: Preview markdown image links with click (before it was mouse over)
  • Added: Recalculate numbered list numbers when item is added to the middle of the list
  • Added: Stamina bar plugin encourages you to write more and procrastinate less
  • Added: F1 shortcut - opens keyboard shortcut list (computer must be connected to internet)
  • Added: Main window size and position are preserved on re-open
  • Added: Markdown links in editor are now clickable. Hold shift and click link.
  • Added: Info bar now shows word count for selected text
  • Added: Show preview for collapsed region - mouse over word count tag
  • Improved: Revamped "pine" theme and tweaked "old typewriter" theme
  • Fixed: Crash with sole meta data line in document
  • Improved: Use commas in meta data numbers - goal: 2,000; 2000 is also valid
  • Changed: Document UNDO data is no longer saved by default (it can cause large database entries)
  • Done: Ton of small tweaks and improvements

Version 3.0.3 Beta 3 (February 2017)

  • Fixed: Smart list functionality was to smart with cursor at the beginning of the line
  • Added: CSS files support for plugins
  • Added: Internal check if plugin version is compatible with installed wm version
  • Added: New plugin - English synonym finder / Thesaurus service provided by <>
  • Fixed: Typing sounds (Click Clack plugin) didn't work on Linux machines
  • Fixed / Changed: With Show white spaces option on, spaces at the beginning of the paragraph are now also highlighted
  • Improved: Shortcut for command palette (Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl+Shift+P) now toggles it on / off
  • Fixed: Go to next bookmark (F2) broke wm if there were no bookmarks in the document
  • Added: Continue list after enter for tasks (- [ ] to do)

Version 3.0.1 Beta 2 (October 2016)

  • Added: Jump to the position of last change command - F4
  • Added: Smart characters - auto close brackets and quotes
  • Added: Optionally highlight active paragraph - Toggle Highlight Active Paragraph in command palette
  • Added: Add misspelled word to the custom dictionary
  • Added: Additional hotkey for command palette - Ctrl+Space
  • Added: Show session time, session word count and words-per-minute indicator on the info bar
  • Added: Keyboard shortcuts for increasing / decreasing font zoom
  • Added: Ability to add custom javascript to export templates (affects Preview plugin)
  • Added: Shortcut to toggle Show white spaces on / off with F8
  • Improved: Many additions and improvements in Preview plugin
  • Added: Images on jumps list (markdown links)
  • Improved: Refined themes
  • Improved: Simplified theme handling
  • Added: Background image support for themes
  • Added: Themable panes
  • Fixed: When compacting db on demand, repository collection has not been reinitialized
  • Added: Document's undo history is saved and then restored on reopen
  • Improved: Documents load faster & smoother
  • Fixed: Document list failed to show in some cases
  • Added: Hover markdown image link (![](link)) to preview image
  • Added: Set stats to show on info bar - settings file / infobar_show_stats. Choose between characters with spaces, characters without spaces, words, paragraphs, pages, reading time
  • Improved: Overwrite mode (Ins key) is represented with slanted cursor, although I don't know why would one actually use that thing :)
  • Added: Toggle panes on/off with F9, focus and toggle documents / jumps with F10
  • Changed: Shortcuts for strikethrough and comment moved to Ctrl+T and Ctrl+R
  • Changed / improved: Jumping through bookmarks with F2 or Shift+F2 will not stop when the last / first bookmark is found but will cycle
  • Added: Choose predefined repository filter characters from a repository context menu
  • Added: Filter all repository snippets by type ($ - expandable snippets, ! - pictures, @ - links and macros)
  • Added: Mark repository snippet as expandable and then use trigger word to expand the snippet with Ctrl+Shift+E
  • Fixed: Better font rendering in panes and other UI elements
  • Fixed: Subpixel antialiasing is off even with no filters enabled. (with filters on, antialiasing is always greyscale)
  • Improved: Better fuzzy search in command palette
  • Fixed: Jumpy command palette list when navigating up and down with keyboard
  • Added: Toggle typewriter scrolling on / off command. Ctrl+Shift+T
  • Added: Paste collapsed command. Will paste text into wm as a collapsed region. Accessible via context menu and Ctrl+Shift+V shortcut