Suitability Area (ha) and Percentage Analysis Process - wri/gfw-analysis GitHub Wiki
Blue Raster Approach for Suitability Analysis
Last updated: 12/30/2014
Using the default Suitability Map created by Andrew Leach, we ran Tabulate Area using the ObjectID field of the plantations as the Zone Field and rejoined the numbers to the plantation shapefile to find what amount and percentage of hectares are considered Suitable or Not Suitable according to WRI’s suitability settings (suitability includes No Data areas):
Suitability Parameter: Suitability Value
Peat Depth (cm): 0
Conservation area buffers (m): >=1000
Water resource buffers (m): >=100
Slope (%): <=30
Elevation (m): <=1000
Rainfall (mm/yr): 1500-6000
Soil drainage: poor/ imperfect; well/ moderately well; excessive/ slightly excessive
Soil depth (cm): mod shallow (26-50 cm); mod deep (51-75 cm); deep (76-100 cm); very deep (101-150 cm); extremely deep (> 150 cm)
Soil acidity (pH): excessively acid (< 4.0); extremely acid (4.0 - 4.5); very strongly acid (4.6 - 5.0); strongly acid (5.1 - 5.5); moderately acid (5.6 - 6.0); slightly acid (6.1 - 6.5); neutral (6.6 - 7.3)
Land Cover: Shrub; Bareland; Dryland Agriculture mixed with shrub; Plantation Forest; Estate Crop Plantation; Grassland; Dryland agriculture; Rice field
Soil Type: Inceptisol; Oxisol; Alfisol; Ultisol; Spodosol; Entisol; Mollisol
No data zones are ‘suitable’ according to WRI’s model
Data was reprojected into Eckert IV for ‘equal area’ results
-Open Map Package
-Export Suitability Raster with current data frame properties (Eckert IV)
-Project Plantations layer to Eckert IV (D:\GIS Data\Plantations\plantations.gdb)
-Open the projected plantation layer and projected suitability raster in a new MXD and make sure they align
-Re-Calculate Geometry (Area; hectares) for the "area_ha" field, as it may have slightly changed with the change in projection
-Run the Tabulate Area GP Tool:
Input raster: plantations_suitability_ECKERT
Zone field: plantations_suitability_ECKERT.OBJECTID_1
Input raster or feature class data: Eckert
Class field: Value
VALUE_1 = Potential Area (sqmi)
VALUE_3 = Not Suitable Area (sqmi)
-For the Tabulate Area results table, add four fields (all type "Double"):
"Potential_area_ha" and calculate as =VALUE_1/10000
"NotSuitable_area_ha" and calculate as =VALUE_3/10000
"Potential_Pct" and calculate as *=([VALUE_1]/([VALUE_1] + [VALUE_3]))100
"NotSuitable_Pct" and calculate as *=([VALUE_3]/([VALUE_1] + [VALUE_3]))100
-Round "Potential_Pct" to the nearest hundredth =round([Potential_Pct],2)
-Round "NotSuitable_Pct" to the nearest hundredth =round([NotSuitable_Pct],2)
-Join the Tabulate Area results table to the Plantations layer based on OBJECTID_1 and review the results