Stage Creation - woveon/wovtools GitHub Wiki

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;TRDR - Stages allow separate operation of your microservice environment for different people and purposes.

WovTools creates virtual clusters for different developers and your pipline stages using Kubernetes namespaces. These namespaces are named PROJECT-STAGE, where STAGE is your developer code, 'dev' or 'prod'. These stages are synced in WovTools to your Kubernetes context and git project branches (there is nothing in WovTools that stores STAGE).

WovTools has a script wov-stage that helps manage stages.

  • wov-stage --list-stages - list stages
  • wov-stage --test-stage X - checks that a stage X exists and all configurations work
  • wov-stage X - switches to that stage (after running test-stage so you don't get stuck in a bad state)
  • wov-stage - a curses UI for switching stages

Creating a Stage

The wov-stage script is pretty good about telling you how to create a stage when some configuration is missing. Just wov-stage --test-stage X to see what it says is missing for stage X to exist.

Things you need to have for a stage to exist:

  • a git branch (should exist for you, dev and prod if you used wov-init)
  • a kubernetes configuration
  • a cluster that has been created
  • a namespace in a cluster
  • an ability to build cluster configuration for this new stage

Stage Ingress

Call wov-cluster-dns --ingress the first time, to create ingress and dns entries to the nginx load balancer.