Development In Pod - woveon/wovtools GitHub Wiki

Description - using Kuberntes to route Services to a virtual host pod, you can develop in your cluster as if it were on your laptop. WovTools supports this process with tools to push and pull data from the pod and reload configuration information on the fly.

vh Pod Platform - WovTools creates a virtualhost pod (vh for short) that runs in the namespace.

  • It is a full-featured pod with typical development tools, which can help when your pods are stripped down.
  • Data Persistence - It uses a persistent volume, so destroying/creating the vh pod does not lose your progress.

Get Started Quickly

  • Make sure you have ConfigMaps and Secrets for VH - wov-deploy --dev --conf-only --vh

  • Create vh Pod - wov-vh -s

  • Push code: wov-vh-pushgit

    • if your project relies on libraries that you want to push, name their location and branch
      • ex.wov-vh-pushgit ../mylibrary:mybranch
    • NOTE: this strips git information when sending to avoid overwriting git when pulled back
    • NOTE: wov-vh-pushgit --last repeats the last push... useful when you make local changes (NOTE: this will move over any existing dev on vh, so you don't overwrite it).
  • Route Services

    • see routing - wov-vh --route-list
    • route to vh: wov-vh --route-service SERVICE
    • unroute: wov-vh --unroute-service SERVICE
  • Login and do work: wov-vh -l

  • Pull code back: cd ROOT_OF_PROJECT ; wov-vh-pulldir

    • this takes the top-most directory, and pulls that from vh:/usr/src/app/TOPMOSTDIR
    • NOTE: this is directory only, while push can handle multiple
    • NOTE2: watch your git branches as this just pulls code