Commands - woveon/wovtools GitHub Wiki
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NOTE: This is the output of the wov
- wov-env-build - Build a CLUSTER configuration.
- wov-env - Export a CLUSTER configuration as variables for scripts.
- wov-aws - Help
- wov-cd - Changes directory to the project directory. These projects are defined in the wovtools file, found in your HOME directory.
- wov-bastion - Lookup information about the bastion host
- wov-bastion-connection - Manages an ssh connection to a bastion host for the Kubernetes cluster.
- wov-cmd - Runs a command found in the cmds directory.
- wov-ed - Opens an editor to edit the project's WovTools src or compiled resource file.
- wov-ls - Lists information of the current file space.
- wov-ns - Display namespace information
- wov-db-connect - Connect to a database via SSL tunnelling through the bastion host and has db utilities.
- wov-db-cloud - Manages database cloud resources.
- wov-p - Takes a k8s pod stem and returns the name of the matching pod in a namespace (--ith n, to match nth pod).
- wov-plog - Connects to a running pod (via podstem) and logs its data, with a -f to follow it.
- wov-vh - Virtual host commands for development in a pod in the cluster.
- wov-vh-pushgit - This script pushes the project's git repo to vh in a safe manner.
- wov-vh-pulldir - Pulls from the vh as vh:ARG1 which is the working dir on pod, to local directory.
- wov-push-container - Pushes the container(s) by building and pushing to the archive.
- wov-push-k8s - Pushes the Kubernetes files to the archive. (was wov-build-conf or wov-arch-conf)
- wov-push-db - (previous wov-db-commit) This moves database changes for the current checked in code (pver) into the db registry for versioning.
- wov-push - Formal push of a version into the archive.
- wov-deploy-service - Runs, tests or kills a service for this Kubernetes context (ex. a database, helm chart, etc).
- wov-deploy-info - Shows information of a running project
- wov-deploy - Deploys and updates a running kubernetes project from an archive.
- wov-git-check - Checks that the git archives on path(s) are committed and pushed to origin.
- wov-push-container-check - Checks if the arg1 container needs to be built and pushed.
- wov-ns-check - Ensures that the Kubernets namespace and git branch align
- wov-compile
- wov-pwait - Waits for a pod (full name) to enter the running state, by continuous polling.
- wov-pshell
CLOUD: (tailors WovTools to a Cloud provider)
- wov-env-aws -
- wov-deploy-cl - (UNDER DEV) Builds a cluster.
- wov-db-deploy -
- wov-init - under dev
IGNORE: (will be deleted or under development)
- wov-mod
- wov-envg
- wov-hbs
- wov-portforward
- wov-project
- wov-stage
- wov-users
- wov_stage-select
- wovg-dir