Unpaired Conduit - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

Traffic allowed to flow in only one direction without any adjacent opposing flow counterpart is abstracted as an Unpaired Conduit.

This situation happens frequently in urban traffic patterns where a street or alley is dedicated to a single direction of traffic. Counterpart streets that permit the opposing flow are typically scattered around the city, but, from the Ego Vehicle’s perspective there is often no obvious correspondence. Thus, we characterize the traffic flow in isolated streets as Unpaired Conduits.

If, however, two streets are bound together tightly or with a Median, they will be characterized as Paired Conduits.


  1. Road segment + Orientation

In a Two Way Road Segment, RS1 let’s say, we’ll see two Conduits: RS1-F and RS1-R. So we can easily tell them apart using these two components.



The choice of subclass, Forward Paired or Reverse Paired is determined with respect to the Ego Vehicle’s current Conduit (which is always forward regardless of the Ego Vehicle’s momentary orientation, see Forward Paired Conduit description) or where the Ego Vehicle may proceed as it travels in the legal direction of traffic projected from its current position.

Type: [ F | R ] forward or reverse

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