Unidirectional Lane - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

Any Lane that is part of a Conduit is considered unidirectional taking on the flow direction associated with its Conduit. This includes any Lane which forbids or discourages traffic, such as an Exclusion Lane.


  1. Inside division + Outside division + Road segment
  2. Inside division + Outside division + Conduit + Road segment

I2: A super-identifier (reducible identifier) is created by adding Conduit as a component. I1 would be enough to tell one Unidirectional Lane apart from another. In I2 we add Conduit and still get the same result. We do this because we need Conduit as a component of the Driving Lane Order class via R29 so that we can number Driving Lanes properly via OR34. See the OR34 relationship description for more details.


(No non-referential attributes)

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