R71 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
R71 / M:M-1
Crosswalk Access terminates to the inside/outside of one or many Crosswalk Access
Pedestrians enter a Crosswalk at one point of access and then exit through another. Since they can walk in either direction it makes no sense to designate an enter/exit point. Instead we refer to the inside and outside just as we do with lane positions. A Crosswalk provides a single inner access and a single outer access. In other words, one side of a Crosswalk is toward the inside of the road while the other is toward the outside, from the Ego Vehicle’s perspective.
More than one Crosswalk may join at the same Crosswalk Access. See the illustration 2 for R80 where crosswalks X4 and X5 meet at the same point. This happens when two or more Crosswalks meet on a diagonal.
Crosswalk.(Inner access, Inner road segment) -> Crosswalk Access.(ID, Road segment).'terminates on inside'
Crosswalk.(Outer access, Outer road segment) -> Crosswalk Access.(ID, Road segment).'terminates on outside'