R63 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
Signalized Angular Intersection Entrance Lane is an Unmonitored Signalized Angular Intersection Entrance Lane or Monitored Signalized Angular Intersection Entrance Lane
The Ego Vehicle may be aware of multiple Entrance Lanes at any number of signalized Intersections in the vicinity. But at a given time, only a subset of these need be monitored. In most cases, only the target Entrance Lane being approached is of concern with regard to the current or predicted signal state.
It is important to make the monitoring distinction since, in the monitored case, it is essential to know (to some degree of certainty) the current state of the traffic signal. For unmonitored lanes, it suffices to know that they exist, but the signal need not be detectable or known in many cases.
<subclass>.(Inside division, Road segment) ->
Signalized Angular Intersection Entrance Lane.(Inside division, Road segment)