R51 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

R51 / 1c:M-1

Driving Lane flows traffic out of intersection through zero or one Exit Conduit Interface

Exit Conduit Interface flows traffic out of intersection with one or many Driving Lane

If a Driving Lane flows out of an Intersection, it does so via an Exit Conduit Interface. Since a Driving Lane originates at this point (see Lane Reconfiguration Subsystem), it can flow out of at most one Intersection. A Driving Lane might not flow out of any Intersection as it can originate in other ways, by forking off of another lane, for example.

An Exit Conduit Interface, by definition, flows traffic out of an Intersection and can only do so if it is crossed by at least one Driving Lane.


Intersection Exit Lane.(Inside division, Outside division, Road segment) ->
    Driving lane.(Inside division, Outside division, Road segment)
Intersection Exit Lane.(Road segment, Conduit, Intersection) ->
    Exit Conduit Interface.(Road segment, Conduit, Intersection)

Conduit {R51c}

= /R51/Driving Lane/R10/Unidirectional Lane.Conduit

Intersection Exit Lane.Intersection -> Exit Conduit Interface.Intersection