R30 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
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Traffic Territory defines orientation of traffic in one Country
Country regulates traffic orientation by one or many Traffic Territory
Usually when we think about the direction of traffic flow (right vs. left handed) we imagine a particular Country. “We drive on the left in the UK”, “We drive on the right in the USA”. But this is actually not correct. The US controlled Virgin Islands, for example, are considered part of the USA, but the island traffic drives on the left. The UK includes Gibraltar where traffic is right handed due to proximity with Spain. Many Countries are covered by a single Traffic Region, and there must be at least one to define the direction of traffic.
A Traffic Region is defined entirely within the geographic boundaries of its Country. So, even if traffic rules are the same across multiple Countries, each will define its own Traffic Region.
Traffic Region.Country -> Country.Name