R210 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

R210 / 1:1-1

Convergence Entrance Lane zippers inside/outside exactly one Convergence Entrance Lane

The pairing of each entrance lane into a single Convergence reconfiguration is abstracted by this relationship. One lane will be on the inside and the other on the outside with respect to one another.


Convergence Lane Zipper Pair.(LR ID, Inside division, Shared zipper division, Road segment) ->
    Convergence Entrance Lane(LR ID, Inside zipper division, Outside division, Road segment).'zippers inside'
Convergence Lane Zipper Pair.(LR ID, Shared zipper division, Outside division, Road segment) ->
    Convergence Entrance Lane(LR ID, Inside zipper division, Outside division, Road segment).'zippers outside'

with LR ID, and Road Segment shared for each of the paired lanes. This enforces the constraint that each of the paired lanes is part of the same reconfiguration.