R207 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

Driving Lane Reconfiguration initiates or terminates one or many Driving Lane

Driving Lane is initiated or terminated in zero, one or many Driving Lane Reconfiguration

A Driving Lane can begin in only one place and end in only one place. But the Ego Vehicle may be situated such that it sees one, both or neither locations. If, however, a Driving Lane Reconfiguration is observed, it must involve the initiation or termination of at least one Driving Lane, otherwise, by definition, it is not a reconfiguration.


Reconfiguration Role.(Inside division, Outside division, Road segment) ->
    Driving Lane.(Inside division, Outside division, Road segment)
Reconfiguration Role.(LR ID, Road Segment) ->
    Driving Lane Reconfiguration.(LR ID, Road segment)