Oncoming Traffic Yield Requirement - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

In an Angular Intersection, this is traffic from an Entrance Lane that may flow across a Turn Movement such that the turning traffic is required to yield the right of way. This typically occurs when oncoming traffic flows across unprotected inside turning traffic.

While it may be tempting to consider an entire opposing Reverse Conduit as being the source of such priority traffic, we need to look at it on a lane by lane basis. For example, the left turn lanes of the Reverse Conduit do not produce any interference so they may be disregarded.


  1. EL road segment + EL inside division + Exit conduit road segment + Exit conduit + Oncoming lane inside division + Oncoming road segment + Intersection



For some Connectors, a yield requirement may apply only when the signal is Stop or only when Go. For an inside turn onto a One Way Road Segment, for example, the Ego Vehicle yields to oncoming traffic from the opposing Road Segment during a Go signal, but during a Stop signal and turning after a stop (legal in some areas) the Ego Vehicle must watch out for cross traffic coming from the Road Segment across to the inside. This attribute then indicates under which signal the yield requirement applies.

Type: Stop Go