Multi Lane Maneuver - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
When a Traveling Ego Vehicle needs to get into a different Driving Lane, it begins this type of maneuver. In the simple case, the Ego Vehicle changes to a single adjacent Driving Lane. But any number of Lanes (including Non Driving Lanes) may be traversed in the process. It may be necessary, for example, to pass through a Dedicated Bike Lane on the way to the target Driving Lane.
At each point in this type of maneuver, there is always one Active Driving Lane representing the current travel path of the Traveling Ego Vehicle.
If successful, the maneuver will end with the Traveling Ego Vehicle in the requested target Driving Lane as its new Active Driving Lane. Otherwise, the maneuver aborts with the vehicle in the source or some intermediate Driving Lane as its Active Driving Lane.
- Ego
- Target lane inside division + Target lane outside division + Road Segment
The direction from the Ego Vehicle toward the target Driving Lane. So if the Ego Vehicle is in the outermost lane, for example, and the target is the innermost lane, the direction would be inner.
Type: [ inner | outer ]
Upon successful completion of this maneuver, the turn signal will be left
. If the maneuver is not successful, this value has no effect.
Type: Turn Indicate
Conversion of the Direction attribute value to left or right taking into account the Ego’s Traffic Territory (USA, Japan, etc)
Type: [ left | right ]
If the requester, such as Entrance Lane Approach, wishes to terminate the Multi Lane Maneuver, it sets this value to true
. This is necessary since an individual Lane Transition will need to complete before the termination request can be processed.
Type: Boolean