Median - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

Any contiguous area or volume marked off or obstructed between two opposing Paired Conduits in a Two Way Road Segment constitutes a Median. Common examples are parallel cement barriers, grassy areas enclosed by guard rails or curbs, grassy areas not enclosed by any barriers, water barrels or even just an elongated patch of diagonal stripes. The purpose of the Median is to prevent or at least discourage traffic from entering the enclosed area.

A Median should not be confused with an Exclusion Lane. An Exclusion Lane belongs to a specific Conduit whereas a Median separates Conduits.

Some Medians are informally referred to as “central reservations”.


  1. ID + Road segment



Is it possible to drive into the area enclosed by the Median? In case of an emergency, there may be utility in entering a traversable (open), or semi-traversable (soft) Median if there is adequate space. In some cases it may even be legal to park.




Type: Traversability '[ hard | soft | open ]`


The average distance between the inner Lane Divisions of each opposing Paired Conduit from the front of the Ego Vehicle up to a prescribed distance from the front of the Ego Vehicle or the part of the Median just before it slopes or curves to form the Median termination, whichever is nearest to the Ego Vehicle.

Type: Distance