Forward Paired Conduit - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

In a Two Way Road Segment, this is either the Conduit where the Ego Vehicle is currently located, or some Conduit in a different Road Segment where the Ego Vehicle could enter, moving in the legally allowed direction of traffic.

If the Ego Vehicle is actually in this Conduit, the Ego Vehicle should be pointed in the direction of legal traffic flow. In rare and, hopefully temporary cases it might not! Perhaps there is ice on the road and the Ego Vehicle has spun around and is presently pointing the wrong way. Or perhaps a navigational error resulted in a wrong way entrance. Even though the Ego Vehicle may be pointed backwards, its Conduit is still considered to be a Forward Paired Conduit. In other words, an Ego Vehicle cannot, by policy, ever be in a Reverse Paired Conduit.

If the Ego Vehicle is not in this Conduit, it must be one that is seen to lead in the forward direction relative to an Ego Vehicle’s current Conduit direction.

Say, for example, that the Ego Vehicle’s Forward Paired Conduit is pointed northward toward a four way Angular Intersection. The innermost Conduit running eastward is considered forward as is the outermost Conduit running westward. Also the northward innermost Conduit straight across from the Intersection is also forward. This example works in either a right side or left side driving Traffic Territory.

In the figure above, even if the Ego Vehicle were spun around in the wrong traffic direction for some reason, all of the green shaded Conduits would be considered ‘forward’.


  1. Road segment


(No non-referential attributes)

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