Division Transition - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

As you drive along, Lane Divisions not only come and go as Lanes merge and split, but they may also change shape and policy. A division that allows passing, for example, may change policy to forbid passing.

The physical form of a Lane Division may also change. What was once a painted stripe that can be driven across may transform into a concrete barrier.

The point at which a Lane Division changes changes to or from a physically non-traversable barrier or changes policy or both makes a Division Transition. Between any two consecutive Division Transitions on a given Lane Division, we assume that the policies and traverse-ability does not change.


  1. ID + Division + Road segment



An identifying value

Type: Based on Nominal


The distance ahead of the Ego Vehicle in the Lane Division where the transition occurs. The Division Transition currently active (adjacent and extending away from the Ego Vehicle) is considered at 0 units of distance away, so transitions don’t go negative as we pass them. We’ll ignore/drop any Division Transition once its next further transition on the same Lane Division reaches 0 distance.

Type: Distance

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